Danny Werfel

IRS, telework, return-to-office

IRS embarks on ‘absolutely critical’ refresh of legacy HR systems

The IRS is managing hundreds of legacy HR IT systems with thousands of workflows, but deferred upgrading these systems when the agency faced budget cuts.

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government shutdown, Congress, government funding

Progress on spending bills might have been an illusion all along

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IRS Direct File, GAO, USDS

House GOP propose defunding IRS Direct File, further budget cuts to enforcement

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IRS, telework, return-to-office

IRS gets pushback on its return-to-office plans — for going too far, and not far enough

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IRS Werfe

IRS puts 125,000 high-income individuals not filing tax returns on notice, to recoup millions owed

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IRS Werfe

Treasury, IRS set 50% return-to-office target for employees to meet ‘governmentwide’ standard

The Treasury Department and the IRS are calling on teleworking employees to return to the office for half of their workdays, starting in a few months.

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Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., speaks during a news conference

Senators press for barcodes on tax returns so IRS can process them faster

Members of the Senate Finance Committee are calling on the Internal Revenue Service to rely on barcodes to process millions of paper tax returns more quickly.

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IRS Upgrade

IRS tells Congress to avoid ‘disruptive’ government shutdown ahead of tax filing season

IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel told reporters on Thursday that a potential government shutdown wouldn’t keep the agency from starting the tax filing season on Jan. 29, as planned.

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