The Homeland Security Department has issued new cyber security guidance for agencies.
DHS wants you to be the next cyber super star. Learn more in today\'s cybersecurity update
Homeland Security officials told Congress Wednesday they have made major strides in sharing intelligence information as a matter of policy and practice. DHS also is exploring the possibility of a departmentwide intelligence doctrine. Non-interoperable IT systems, however, remain a major obstacle.
The man behind much of the cybersecurity policy development at Homeland Security is stepping down. Federal News Radio has an exclusive exit interview with Phil Reitinger.
The Center for a New American Security is proposing a new federal agency to coordinate the government\'s cybersecurity efforts. Dr. Kristin Lord, vice president and director of studies at the center, gives us details.
GAO found many agencies will fall short of the June 30 deadline to determine if they are using service contractors appropriately.
Next Gov reports that hackers might try to re-engineer the malicious worm.
DHS hopes the third time the charm for a financial modernization system. John Weiler is the Vice Chairman and Co-Founder of the IT Acquisition Advisory Council has more information.
The White House\'s draft bill includes many similarities with the one sponsored by the Sens. Lieberman, Collins and Carper. The biggest issues are around the President\'s powers over the Internet during emergencies and whether there should be a Senate-confirmed cyber coordinator at DHS. Senate Majority Leader Reid is making comprehensive cyber legislation a priority this session.
A white-hat hacker presentation has been cancelled at the request of the Homeland Security Department.
Agencies asked 125 annuitants for help last year with Army leading the way, bringing 44 retired federal workers back to help with acquisition processes.
Phil Reitinger is moving on from the Homeland Security Department.
Agency to issue first RFQ under infrastructure-as-a-service governmentwide contract issued by GSA. FEMA and CIS are among the first agency components to move their public-facing sites to the cloud.
Agency to issue first RFQ under infrastructure-as-a-service governmentwide contract issued by GSA. FEMA and CIS are among the first agency components to move their public-facing sites to the cloud.