Department of Homeland Security

  • Department decision part of efficiency review to save money and improve business processes.

    May 28, 2009
  • Communication among police, fire, emergency medical services and other first responders is on the cusp of getting a lot easier. The Homeland Security Department’s science and technology directorate is making interaction possible across different frequencies.…

    May 28, 2009
  • There\'s a new Chief Human Capital Officer on the job at the Department of Homeland Security.

    May 28, 2009
  • Agencies making contract awards without fully understanding the contractor\'s past successes or failures. GAO makes six recommendations to improve and standardize the information.

    May 26, 2009
  • With a response that took less than a minute, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano seemingly put to rest a debate that has been lingering in Washington for years. She told House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie…

    May 18, 2009
  • John Ely Executive Director for Procurement, U.S. Customs and Border Protection Department of Homeland Security (DHS) May 18th and 20th

    May 18, 2009
  • Cyber security has received a thorough debate within the Obama administration. Now it looks like the Homeland Security Department will retain at least some role in setting standards and policy - even as a new White House office is established for cyber security. It\'s taken a month for the administration to get its final report out after the 60-day review. Why? Because lots of agencies and panels were fighting for a piece of the action. But Congress has yet to weigh in. I\'m Tom Temin.

    May 18, 2009
  • Some lawmakers called the Homeland Security Department’s decision not to let transportation and border workers use masks during H1N1 virus outbreak unacceptable. One lawmaker even threatened to legislate the right of these federal employees to…

    May 14, 2009
  • The Homeland Security Department’s Science and Technology Directorate is playing matchmaker between systems integrators and up-and-coming companies. The goal is to get cutting-edge cybersecurity technology into the government as quickly as possible. This is part…

    May 14, 2009
  • We bring you lessons learned from former Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff. He talked with Randy Larsen and Dave McIntyre, hosts of Homeland Security: Inside & Out about his priorities during…

    May 07, 2009
  • After a challenging few weeks for her agency, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee for an oversight hearing. She answered questions about response to swine flu, security on the US-Mexico…

    May 07, 2009
  • The deadline for implementation of Transportation Worker Identification Credentials (or TWIC cards) has officially passed. Now, the Coast Guard is working to develop requirements for the card readers that will be deployed at ports across…

    May 07, 2009
  • Swine flu continues to spread in the US and around the world. At least 50 cases have been found here at home, and the government is treating the outbreak as if it were a pandemic.…

    April 28, 2009
  • CIO Council offers advice on improving agency input on IT security

    April 21, 2009
  • This has been buzzing around for a few days now — a paper looking at the relationship between social software and national security. Wired blogged about it … FCW’s Ben Bain had a good piece…

    April 18, 2009