Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey

FEVS, Federal Employee Viewpoint survey

Beyond FEVS, agencies trying to combat federal ‘survey fatigue’

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(Getty Images/iStockphoto/Kiyoshi Tanno)Veterans Affairs

VA makes gains in engagement in Best Places to Work results

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/scyther5best places to work in the federal government, small business, VBA

Lessons from the best and not-so-best places to work

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Partnership for Public Service, Best place to work, federal agencies,Election 2024 Democrats Trump

2023 Best Places to Work marks a turning point in employee engagement

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American Federation of Government EmployeesImage of leaders at AFGE and TSA at signing ceremony.

TSA, AFGE see milestone contract as ‘pivot point’ for frontline workforce

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NASA/Aubrey GemignaniImage of NASA astronauts wearing solar eclipse glasses in front of NASA building in Washington, D.C.

Best Places to Work top 10 list has a few new faces, and many familiar ones

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NLRB, Jennifer Abruzzo

NLRB ‘doing more with less’ between growing caseload, stagnating staffing

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As agencies face budget uncertainty, Democrats propose a 7.4% pay raise for feds

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Graphic By: Derace Lauderdaleearly career, skills-based hiring,workforce, diversity

The government’s top role for workforce diversity will soon be vacant. What happens next?

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Federal News Radio pinwheel icon

Would you take a pay cut for more telework?

Survey reveals people really treasure work-life balance, even if it meant hypothetically less salary

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Federal News Radio pinwheel icon

Telework ‘essential’ to remaining a competitive employer, Interior official tells Congress

Offering telework to federal employees supports recruitment, retention, satisfaction and engagement, Mark Green, chief human capital officer at the Interior…

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Candid businessman sharing his opinion about work with colleague, telling interesting story when having conversation with partner on coffee-break, making successful negotiation with investor in office

Backlogs can smother employee engagement

The 40-person Chemical Safety Board concentrated on clearing a stuck backlog of investigation reports, making the country safer and employee satisfaction better.

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