AFGE's Public Policy Director Jacque Simon and Stephen Losey and Sean Reilly of the Federal Times will talk about the big issues affecting federal workers. July 25, 2012
OPM has requested agencies review their pay scales and decide whether to make adjustments for fiscal 2013.
Thanks to the 800-pound gorilla in the room, both federal workers and retirees may suffer a cut in take-home pay next year, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.
Senior Correspondent Mike Causey once again turns over to longtime reader, Dennis S., who spent a long time with Uncle Sam and a lot of time in the private sector. He says both the government and the private sector have their upsides and downsides. But he thinks its important to appreciate what you've got and live in the moment.
Researchers are struggling to agree on the best method for comparing public and private sector compensation. Some analysts say the use of differing methods results in wildly varied conclusions.
How much do you know about Zen? For example when, if ever, is nothing better than something, or anything? Is it desirable to be the bullseye if your opposition is the gang that couldn't shoot straight, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wonders.
There is a new game that is spreading like wildfire in government and among the media, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. It's a version of show and tell, except in this one you show us yours and we don't show you ours.
As a civil servant you have nothing to hide, so would it be okay if your friends and neighbors saw you naked. OK, if that seems a bit intrusive at least let us know how much money you make working for Uncle Sam, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.
Federally Employed Women, which is aimed at improving the status of women working for the federal government, reviewed legislators\' voting records on 10 bills mostly related to federal pay and benefits. The group gave its highest score — a 100 percent — to two senators and 23 House members, all Democrats.
The Postal Service has hired Evercore Partners, a New York-based investment bank, to evaluate proposed changes to its operations, compensation and benefits. Evercore has advised General Motors and other large, troubled companies. USPS said it needs to cut annual expenses by $20 billion by 2015.
A picture is starting to form about what federal and postal workers can expect from Congressional budget-cutters. And as you probably suspected, it isn\'t pretty, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.
The Office of Personnel Management has created a task force to lead efforts to stop payments to retirees who have died. An inspector general report released Thursday revealed that OPM had paid $601 million in benefits to dead people since 2006.
Jessica Klement, chief lobbyist for the Federal Managers Association and Federal Times senior writer Steve Losey join host Mike Causey on today\'s program. September 14, 2011
USPS cancels bonuses for executives, officers and administrative staff.
Feds who goof off on the job, or who spend all day surfing the net, watching the clock or on personal business are in for trouble. Congress is coming. So why are the vast majority of civil servants not quaking in their boots? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey tells all.