federal retirees

(Getty Images/iStockphoto/fotostok_pdv)Financial Adviser

Payroll tax deferral still causing headaches for some federal retirees and seasonal workers

All federal employees, including some retirees and seasonal workers who received recent debt notices indicating otherwise, still have until Jan. 3, 2022…

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For many federal employees, health and retirement benefits are what’s keeping them on the job

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National capital area kicking off revamped Combined Federal Campaign for 2017

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The keys to a happier retirement

Financial planner Arthur Stein joins host Mike Causey to discuss asset allocation and what you can do to map out a much happier, less stressful retirement….

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Audit of IRS insists quicker closure a possibility for tax delinquency cases of feds, retirees

An audit by the Treasury IG for Tax Administration found the IRS could complete cases for late-paying federal employees and retirees much faster if it…

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Federal Retiree – Social Security Benefits Flatline

Federal retirees didn\’t get a cost of living adjustment this year. What\’s the outlook for a COLA in 2011? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey rates the chances as somewhere between slim and none.

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