
  • Federal Managers Association President Pat Niehaus and Federal Times reporters Steve Losey and Sean Reilly join host Mike Causey to talk about sequestration and other issues affecting feds. January 30, 2013

    January 30, 2013
  • Janet Kopenhaver from Federally Employed Woman and Federal Times Senior Writer Sean Reilly, join host Mike Causey to talk about what would happen if the federal government were to shut down. January 16, 2013

    January 16, 2013
  • Air Force commanders will get orders in the next few days to plan for the possibility of fewer flying hours, providing fewer office supplies and working on fewer IT upgrades. Part of the service's planning will be to figure out how many civilian workers would need to be furloughed and for how long.

    January 14, 2013
  • Defense Deputy Secretary Ashton Carter told DoD components Thursday to draw up plans for full-year continuing resolution, plus sequestration. The approach to deal with across-the-board cuts would be to freeze civilian hiring, cut training, travel and conferences and reduce business technology expenditures.

    January 11, 2013
  • Financial planner Arthur Stein, will answer your questions about the Thrift Savings Plan, and give advice on what you should be doing with your TSP accounts. January 9, 2013

    January 09, 2013
  • OPM published a guide providing agency human-resources officials with more information about "administrative furloughs," which are different from those stemming from government shutdowns because agencies typically have more time to plan their spending reductions. The Obama administration has reassured reassured federal agencies that sequestration won't have an immediate impact on the federal workforce or day-to-day government operations.

    December 28, 2012
  • As the make-or-break sequestration deadline draws closer, top federal officials are increasingly using (or at least thinking) the F-word, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    September 26, 2012
  • Federal workers are going to be doing the limbo on a hot seat for much of the rest of the year, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey. Will sequestration kick in with its major across-the-board cuts, will the continuing resolution save the day and what if nothing happens, which seems to be what happens a lot these days?

    August 17, 2012
  • While some federal agencies are offering buyouts ranging from $15,000 to $25,000, the giant Social Security Administration is trying a new approach: No Cal buyouts. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says if they catch on, your agency may be next.

    August 10, 2012
  • Ever watch an inept team of trainees assemble then take apart an explosive device? If not, move to D.C. or watch live coverage of Congress on TV. With Congress, you get the political version which, more often than not, ends in a whimper rather than a bang, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    August 01, 2012
  • The National Weather Service says it must furlough as many as 5,000 employees for 13 days by Sept. 30, unless Congress allows the agency to move around funds within its budget.

    June 08, 2012
  • NARFE president Joseph Beaudoin and Federal Times reporters Stephen Losey and Sean Reilly join host Mike Causey to talk about a wide variety of issues affecting federal workers. June 6, 2012

    June 06, 2012
  • Frequently asked questions about a potential government shutdown as Congress nears its Dec. 16 deadline to reach a budget deal.

    December 15, 2011
  • Steve Losey is a reporter with Federal Times. He brings a recap of the supercommittee stalemate and what the deficit could mean for federal employees.

    November 23, 2011