In recent weeks, the General Services Administration has become synonymous with wasteful conference spending when the agency's inspector general revealed GSA had spent more than $800,000 on a Las Vegas conference. Federal News Radio wants to know if the GSA conference spending scandal has impacted your agency's conference plans.
Some departments are improving personnel practices around recruitment and knowledge management even in the face of pay freezes and criticisms of public servants. DHS created a higher education engagement group to bring in college students. GSA finds quality of applicants still strong. Senior leaders highlight successes during Public Service Recognition Week.
Host Roger Waldron talks about the key procurement issues with Joe Hornyak, partner at Holland & Knight LLP. May 8, 2012
When government workers foul up we know their name, rank and serial number, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. But when someone in the media makes an inexcusable 'mistake' his — or her — name is kept secret for privacy reasons. So, what's wrong with this picture?
Are the recent GSA and Secret Service scandals the tip of the iceberg or just business as usual? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks. Is Uncle Sam, in reality, more like Charlie Sheen than an Eagle Scout?
A new General Services Administration policy is once again drawing fire. The focus now is on a GSA policy in which the agency offered tax breaks to companies to make federal buildings energy efficient as long as GSA received a "giveback." That policy, which has since been discontinued, is raising new questions about whether GSA was trying to raise money for its own budget without congressional authorization, whether that effort was legal and whether other agencies have tried anything similar.
Panelists at Wednesday's Telework Town Hall Meeting said the technology is there to make the federal workforce more mobile.
A few party animals at the GSA and Secret Service have made life easier for late-night talk show hosts, commentators, and people and politicians who just don't like the government, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. But the most angry, irate and stunned people are the 99.999 percent of feds who haven't done anything.
Defense Department officials have called off large annual contracting-focused conference just weeks before it was set to begin. The invitation-only DoD Procurement Conference and Training Symposium was to have taken place in Orlando, Fla., later this month. However, a departmental notice said officials needed more time to better align the training programs with DoD acquisition policy.
Coalition for Government Procurement chairman Bill Gormley joins host Roger Waldron to talk about the coalition's recently completed spring conference. May 1, 2012
Only one-third of Americans have a favorable opinion of the federal government — the lowest positive rating in 15 years, according to a survey by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press.
The General Services Administration's Public Buildings Service is combining two contracts into a new BPA for IT and Web development services.
Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.) is calling for the General Services Administration to stop paying an official at the center of the conference spending scandal.
On the In Depth show blog, you can listen to the interviews, find more information about the guests on the show each day and links to additional resources.
Fingers are pointing in many directions in the wake of the scandal at the General Services Administration. Lawmakers on both the sides of the aisle have expressed outrage at the "culture of waste," but opinions on who's to blame for that culture are as divided as ever along party lines. Two congressmen told In Depth host Francis Rose about their very different ideas.