Justice\'s decision to join the False Claims Act lawsuit against Oracle is another signal that vendors are facing more oversight. This is the second time Oracle has come under litigation for allegedly overcharging the government. Experts say contractors need to be prepared for pre-award and post-award audits of GSA schedule contracts.
The General Services Administration has taken an 18 month timeline, and compressed it into about eight weeks.
Coleman says group hugs are important. Essentially, you\'ve got to get everybody in that room so that they\'re part of it. That is collaboration. We learn more from Casey Coleman, CIO at GSA
Elizabeth DelNegro started her career in customer service and marketing, but is now CIO of GSA\'s FAS. Encore Presentation
The General Services Administration is working to conform to a Presidential order mandating that companies who sell goods and services to the Federal government reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Ten months after that order was issued, GSA now has a green light from the White House to proceed with a voluntary, phased-in, incentive-driven program to get companies who sell to GSA to report their greenhouse gas footprint. And one industry trade group weighs in on the recommendations.
Steve Kempf talks with DorobekInsider about what he hopes to accomplish as head of GSA\'s FAS.
Larry Allen of the Coalition for Government Procurement tells us more.
Steve Kempf has been named to lead GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service. Kempf has been serving the acting commissioner of GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service since the departure of Jim Williams in April. GSA's Kempf The Federal…
The General Services Administration is reiterating its promise to boost cybersecurity and privacy of cloud computing. As part of the so-called FEDRAMP program, beginning this fall an interagency group will inspect vendors\' cloud computing facilities to make sure they meet federal security standards. If the group certifies a cloud facility, agencies would be able to sign up for service without having to further inspect the facility.
The next challenge for supporters of teleworking in the government has nothing to do with laptops, laws or cybersecurity. Instead, experts say that challenge will be to convince the recalcitrant manager in the office down the hall, who doesn\'t like the idea.
Agencies launch redesigned governmentwide portal with Microsoft\'s Bing search engine. As a part of the launch, OMB and GSA make 18 mobile applications available from agencies across the government. Federal CIO Kundra says the government must improve how citizens access information and interact with agencies.