Prime contractors that don't meet small business subcontracting goals can lose deals because of that failure. The Government Accountability Office denied a protest from a prime that wasn't even able to get into the final competition. Steve Koprince is a partner at Petefish, Immel, Heeb and Hird. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he explained the facts of the case and what the GAO found when they looked at it.
The last round of base realignments and closures (BRAC) back in 2005 did some good. Many of the bases were repurposed and used to help the homeless. But BRAC had problems, too. As outlined in a new report from the Government Accountability Office, DoD and Housing and Urban Development don't track progress on base conversions very well. It's a concern as the Defense Department raises the urgency of its request for a new round of closures. Brian Lepore, director of Defense Capabilities and Management Issues at the GAO, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive with more on the problem.
Federal government agency improper payments are up almost $20 billion. The Government Accountability Office says its fiscal 2014 audit revealed agencies racked up a total of about $125 billion in improper payments. Beryl Davis, director of financial management and assurance issues at the GAO, tells In Depth with Francis Rose about the root causes of the spending errors.
Jenny Mattingley hosts a roundtable discussion of the recently released Government Accountability Report on federal employee performance. March 20, 2015
Reverse auctions are overused, underregulated and might be a monopoly, according to recent testimony on Capitol Hill.
Republican lawmakers released their Fiscal Year 2016 budget plans this week, containing increased spending for the Pentagon, cuts for non-Defense operating budgets and a hike in federal employees' contributions to their retirement plans.
Improper payments from the federal government reached an all-time high last year. They totaled more than $124 billion — a $19 billion increase from the previous high of $105 billion. That's according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office. White House officials are examining this trend and looking for ways to head improper payments down again. Danny Werfel, a former Controller in the Office of Management and Budget and now a Director with the Boston Consulting Group, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive with more on how they might to do that.
By STEPHEN OHLEMACHER Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal agencies set a new record for improper payments last year, shelling out $125 billion in questionable benefits after years of declines. The payments included tax credits…
Data center consolidation is delivering more cost savings than the White House expected. The Government Accountability Office says by the end of fiscal year 2015, agencies will save $3.3 billion. That's $300 million beyond what the Office of Management and Budget expected. Dave Gwyn is the vice president of federal for Nutanix. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he said agencies are missing out on a key detail that can drive up cost savings even more.
The Government Accountability Office wants a 5.9 percent budget increase for FY 2016. Numbers from a new study by Deloitte show past funding of GAO has brought a good return on investment.
The Defense Department couldn't provide reliable data on many of its current Acquisition Category II and III programs. That's according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office. Those programs include everything from a multi-billion dollar radar modernization program to soldier clothing. Mike Sullivan, the director of acquisition and sourcing management at GAO, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive with more on the report.
After a few years of declines, the government's improper payment rate jumped 14 percent in 2014. The Government Accountability Office said the increase came from major programs including Medicare fee for service, Medicaid, the earned income tax credit, unemployment insurance and supplemental security income. David Mader is the White House controller. On the Federal Drive with Tom Temin, he told Executive Editor Jason Miller about some new steps to move the needle in the right direction.
David Mader, OMB controller, said the administration will target specific agencies with new technology to access more data to combat this long-standing challenge. GAO reported Feb. 26 that the governmentwide improper payment rate was 4.02 percent, meaning agencies misspent almost $125 billion in 2014.
Text analytics can turn tens of thousands of oversight reports into solid action plans that help your agency run smoother. The consulting firm Deloitte is using it to transform more than 40,000 recommendations from the Government Accountabilty Office into hard data. Bill Eggers is global public sector research director, and Daniel Byler is a data scientist at Deloitte. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he explained how to turn the hard data from GAO's recommendations into action plans of reform.
Richard Ginman, the director of Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, left government late last month. In an interview with Federal News Radio's On DoD a few days before his retirement, he reflected on what's changed during his 42-year career, and what hasn't.