The secretive Pentagon organization that’s in charge of turning existing weapons systems into new warfighting concepts says it has a perfect track record so far. The military services have accepted all six of the technologies the Strategic Capabilities Office has offered up.
With a legal deadline looming, the Government Accountability Office took a look at how agencies are meeting the financial reporting requirements of the Data Act. Paula Rascona, the director of financial management and assurance issues at the GAO, fills in the details on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
As the 2020 census approaches, lawmakers and the Government Accountability Office are concerned about the Census Bureau's cost estimation practices, lack of transparency and cybersecurity. No one currently has a clear picture of what the 2020 census will cost, although best estimates put it around $12.5 billion.
The Navy brass have decided to buy a dozen new ships they're calling a frigate. But it's basically a littoral combat ship with some modifications. The Government Accountability Office found there's too little information about the frigate for Congress to make informed decisions. Michele Mackin, director of acquisition and sourcing issues at GAO, provides details on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
Do you know that the U.S. government pays out about $140 billion a year to people who either don't deserve the money, or are dead but still collecting?
The General Services Administration’s $50 billion Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) telecommunications contract is back under a pre-award protest while DHS’s agile contract known as FLASH faces 12 complaints.
The federal government was overrun by children on Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day, as agencies rolled out vehicles, cool tech, and even some human organs to capture the kids' imaginations.
The Government Accountability Office's report on reducing agency fragmentation, overlap, and duplication shows the federal government could save tens of billions of dollars — if agencies choose to act on the recommendations and Congress offers its help.
The Government Accountability Office brought in 13 experts on federal technology last fall to have a frank discussion about what’s working and what’s not with the Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act.
Largely under the radar, the Commerce Department has been building a network of public-private partnerships to boost U.S. manufacturing. It's working under a law from 2014 known as the Revitalize American Manufacturing and Innovation Act. The Government Accountability Office found that Commerce needs to do more to encompass participation by other federal agencies who contribute people and money. John Neumann, GAO's director of natural resources and environment issues, shares more on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
Homeland Security Department management said they're now requiring documentation and life cycle cost estimations for all major acquisition programs. It's a big step for DHS. But while the Government Accountability Office says DHS has improved, it needs to focus on the details.
The Government Accountability Office recently hosted a panel discussion to talk about how organizations could foster collaboration to use analytics to tackle improper payments. Federal News Radio's Eric White spoke with Vijay D'Souza, director of GAO's Center for Enhanced Analytics, on Federal Drive with Tom Temin for a recap of the event and some of the topics covered.
The number of protests have all but doubled over the past decade, and acquisition personnel frequently have to be reassured that that number is not a reflection on the quality of their work.
Foreign affairs imposed on the Trump administration. Treasury moved to sanction North Koreans believed to have military ties. Trump said the U.S. would take unilateral action in response to Pyonyang threats.
Sens. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) and Gary Peters (D-Mich.) asked that the Government Accountability Office to conduct a full review of President Donald Trump's temporary hiring freeze. Citing GAO's past study of previous hiring freezes, both senators said they're concerned the current freeze isn't saving government more money and is prompting more agency inefficiencies.