New estimates from Government Accountability Office say the Defense Department has routinely dipped into its overseas contingency operations account to fund "enduring" requirements since 2009, but there's no way to tell which account ultimately funded any particular expense, making it very difficult for Congress to oversee DoD's operations and maintenance accounts. Andrew Von Ah, GAO's acting director for Defense Capabilities and Management, talked with Jared Serbu on Federal Drive with Tom Temin about the O&M accounting problem.
Immature technologies can sink an otherwise carefully planned program. That's why the Government Accountability Office is preparing a guide to help program and acquisition people evaluate the maturity of technology before they get stuck with it. Dr. Tim Persons, chief scientist at GAO, talked about the new guide on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
Agencies admitted that when it comes to telework, they're still flying by the seat of their pants. The Office of Personnel Management is asking agencies to look more closely at their reports on employees' telework usage and success.
Even after transitioning four systems to shared services, the Department of Housing and Urban Development still doesn't have what it needs. All this is documented in the latest study from the Government Accountability Office. Valerie Melvin, director of Information Management and Technology Resources issues at GAO, shares more on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
Enterprise Information Services submitted a complaint to the Government Accountability Office on Aug. 10 on the unrestricted version of Alliant 2.
Congress handed the White House and Treasury a job back in 2014: Establish a new reporting system for agency spending that would make it easier for people to see and anaylze for themselves, how the goverment spends $1 trillion every year. But the Data Act has proved difficult to implement, as documented in two recent studies from the Government Accountability Office. Paula Rascona, director of financial management and assurance issues at the GAO. joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin with more.
TRICARE contract protests are now so inevitable that a company might want to file one even if they're one of the winners.
President Barack Obama signed the MEGABYTE Act into law, and GSA released two new shared services offerings to keep the “slow” summer months hopping.
What should you do when you learn your agency is being audited by the Government Accountability Office? Find out this week when host John Gilroy interviews Greg Wilshusen, director of Information Security Issues at the GAO. August 9, 2016
What are the current issues facing the government contracting market? Find out when Larry Allen of Allen Federal Business Partners joins host Mark Amtower on this week's Amtower Off Center. August 8, 2016
The Defense Department will likely have to make significant changes to a much-anticipated IT services contract known as ENCORE III following a legal decision that upheld challenges by two prospective bidders.
The Government Accountability Office says the implementation of the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act needs improvement, as the Treasury Department works to finalize a system to collect agency data and make sure it is in the same format.
By the end of this calendar year, the Defense Department plans to deliver new assessments of the cost and scope of the Joint Information Environment, the ambitious, four-year-old project to unify an estimated 15,000 IT…
A new report from GAO found that the top three benefits of telework reported by agencies were improved recruitment and retention, improved work-life balance and increased productivity.
The amount of patent infringement lawsuits has sharply increased over the past few years. While obviously some disagreements are going to occur, the Government Accountability Office set out to find out the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's role in that uptick. Frank Rusco, director of Natural Resources and Environment at GAO, Federal News Radio's Eric White on Federal Drive with Tom Temin what USPTO can do to stop some frugal cases being brought forward at all.