Immigration and Customs Enforcement

  • Acting Office of Personnel Management Director Beth Cobert said agencies should include merit system principles, the rules and procedures that ensure objectivity in the federal hiring process, as an incentive for the top talent they want to attract.

    November 30, 2016
  • The Department of Homeland Security is a diverse collection of agencies performing a variety of tasks, as evidenced by its three nominees for the Service to America Medals.

    October 07, 2016
  • The White House has threatened to veto a fiscal 2017 spending bill that would further cut the Internal Revenue Service's budget by $236 million.

    June 23, 2016
  • It's the job of Ajay Bhatt, associate legal adviser to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, to track down scores of human rights violators who've entered the country.

    June 01, 2016
  • Homeland Security Investigations said it's found a way to save precious time and resources for agents and investigators who sift through mass amounts of data and images for the unit's child exploitation cases.

    June 01, 2016
  • Leaders of R&D components of DHS detailed technological projects and innovation processes at a Senate Homeland Security Subcommittee budgetary hearing.

    April 08, 2016
  • The Office of Information Policy published data on FOIA request processing from the annual reports of 100 agencies.

    March 15, 2016
  • Managers within the Homeland Security Department's headquarters say the Secretary's "Unity of Effort" initiative is working better for them than it is for individual agencies. Component agencies say unity programs have little impact on their missions.

    November 11, 2015
  • The Office of Inspector General says the Department of Homeland Security is struggling to keep its component agencies on the same page for communication and coordination of missions.

    September 17, 2015
  • From IT offices to law enforcement bureaus, the federal government says it needs more cybersecurity specialists. But competition is tough. Several federal agencies treated winners of the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition as VIPs when they visited Washington in late July. Stops on the tour included the National Security Agency, the Pentagon and the Cyber Crimes Center, part of Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland Security Investigations. Listen to the full story by clicking the button below the slideshow.

    August 06, 2015
  • The Human Exploitation Rescue Operative (HERO) Corps welcomes 22 new members to its ranks later this morning. Launched as a pilot program in 2013, the HERO Corps gives wounded, injured and ill veterans the chance to assist federal agents in the fight against child predators. Peter Edge is the executive director of Homeland Security Investigations at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), which helps manage the HERO Corps. He joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive with an update on the program.

    June 19, 2015
  • U.S. Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents have new orders for dealing with illegal immigrants. Under the President's immigration plan, agents are supposed to ask illegal immigrants if they might qualify for deferred deportation. And now Homeland Security has furnished immigrants with three complaint hotlines they can call if they feel they're treated unfairly. There's one for Customs and Border Protection, one for Immigration and Customs Enforcement and one for Citizenship and Immigration Services. David North, a senior fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to explain how this can all possibly work.

    February 18, 2015
  • President Barack Obama's executive orders on immigration have had reverberations throughout the federal government. They've drastically changed the way Border Patrol and Immigration officers do their jobs. The changes also heavily impacted immigration judges, delaying many of their thousands of pending cases by as much as five years. On the Federal Drive with Tom Temin, Judge Dana Leigh Marks, president of the National Association of Immigration Judges, explained just how overloaded the court systems already are.

    February 05, 2015
  • As part of the Obama administration's strategy for dealing with immigration, immigration enforcement and customs and border patrol officers have new orders. They must now ask immigrants they encounter living in the country illegally whether they might qualify to avoid deportation. Agents also have been told to review government files to identify any jailed immigrants they might be able to release. It means a lot for work and a new change in mind-set for Customs and Border Protection agents. Shawn Moran, vice president of the National Border Patrol Council, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to explain how it's going.

    February 04, 2015
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