Reducing improper payments is important to any agency or company. Dave Dantus and Russell Keziere from Pegasystems offer tips. February 15, 2011
House oversight subcommittee will kick off the financial management agenda next week.
TSP Board\'s Tom Trabucco describes the news system aimed at preventing another improper payment that happened earlier in the month.
New rule published today details how the government will go from chasing criminals to using data and other tools to stop them as Medicare and Medicaid fraud is happening. The agencies report returning $4 billion back to the government in 2010, a 50 percent increase compared to 2009.
OMB controller Danny Werfel said the Treasury Department should be finished testing and analyzing systems in the next six months. The CFO Council highlights priorities for 2011, and among them is the further reduction of improper payments. Werfel said agencies will begin using the software tool first utilized by the Recovery Board to identify potential problems.
OMB said $687 million was recovered across all agencies this year in improper payments.
The head of the Office of Management and Budget\'s Office of Federal Financial Management said the federal audit community has a powerful new tool to battle improper payments and fraud. Danny Werfel said for most citizens, battling improper payments may even trump the accounting community\'s holy grail of a clean audit opinion.
OMB controller understands why average citizens are simply not interested in the typical agency financial statement.
The federal government\'s top accountant says it\'s time for agencies to transform the way they report on their financial health. It all starts with citizens demanding to know how their tax dollars are being spent.
Agencies are accountable for how they\'re run - including improper payments. We learn about how Defense is tackling the issue from Mark Easton, the Deputy Chief Financial Officer at DoD
DoD also cutting improper payments, Army off-road GPS app tracks threats
OMB is using the same data analysis tools to monitor stimulus spending at CMS to reduce their improper payments. Other agencies also are taking advantage of the lessons learned from the creation and operation of the board. also will receive new features this fall to let citizens track individual projects on their own websites.
The Obama administration is attacking the $100 billion improper payments problem on yet another front.
President Obama has issued a memo detailing the steps agencies must take to do pre-and post-award audits on who gets federal funds. By the fall, agencies will have to check several databases to ensure the recipient is permitted to get money.