Interior Department

  • At last, spring is almost here. And to celebrate, the Interior Department, together with the Agriculture Department, wants to help people locate their nearest national park — or maybe some other federally-managed property they might not know about. They're hosting a hackathon in April, and hope Web developers will create apps for travelers. Tim Fullerton, the director of digital strategy at Interior, joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin with more on the hackathon.

    March 12, 2015
  • Last year was a record-setting one for the National Park Service, with visitation at an all time high. More than 290 million people traipsed through the National Parks last year — the highest total since 1987. And with 2016 marking the parks' centennial celebration, that number might rise. How is the Park Service coping with all the wear and tear? Jonathan Jarvis, the 18th director of the National Park Service, joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin with more on the parks, and the new push to attract visitors.

    March 11, 2015
  • The Center for Plain Language issued its annual plain language report cards Tuesday, with the Homeland Security Department, Social Security Administration and Security Exchange Commission earning top scores.

    January 27, 2015
  • A Government Accountability Office report says the Defense Department needs to close a gap in interagency communications to reduce the risk of foreign observation of its testing facilities.

    January 01, 2015
  • If you're searching for ways to improve your agency's social media game, look no further than the Interior Department. The DOI has racked up 247,000 Twitter followers and 382,000 Instagram followers. It's finding creative ways to use other platforms. Interior's photos of Alaskan bears and Texan bobcats don't hurt, but there's more to it than fuzzy animal pictures. Tim Fullerton, Interior's director of digital strategy, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to talk about his agency's social media success.

    December 08, 2014
  • Violent crime is down almost 40 percent at four Indian reservations. It's the result of an aggressive campaign by the Interior Department to improve public safety for Native Americans. Tom Shoop is Editor in Chief at Government Executive magazine. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he explained the program's success and what's still left for Interior to accomplish.

    September 12, 2014
  • NASA CIO Larry Sweet has mandated enterprise services first for all commodity IT. Other agencies, such as GSA and Interior, are trying to find the right balance between giving field offices latitude and rigid IT requirements.

    September 11, 2014
  • What is the U.S. Department of the Interior doing to advance its performance and results agenda? How can strategic planning translate into better agency results and foster culture of performance improvement? Join host Michael Keegan as he explores these questions and much more with Dr. Richard Beck, director, Office of Planning and Performance Management at the U.S. Department of the Interior.

    July 18, 2014
  • The House Small Business Committee chairman said the recent listing to hire a new director for the Office of Small Disadvantaged Business Utilization doesn't meet the updated requirements for the position as outlined in the 2013 Defense authorization bill.

    May 13, 2014
  • The Office of Financial Innovation and Transformation issued two RFIs in the last few weeks. One announced an industry day for May 21, and the other is looking for ideas to improve how the government manages and integrates data from different systems.

    May 08, 2014
  • More than half of senior executives surveyed by the Senior Executives Association are reporting "low" or "very low" morale with their jobs. The problem lies with a pay-for-performance system where some supervisors make less money than the people they lead. Increasing numbers of senior executive service members are ready to leave the federal government altogether.

    May 02, 2014
  • President Barack Obama wants the government to lead by example. He asks agencies to triple their use of renewable electricity sources by 2020 and get at least one-fifth of their energy from renewables. Willie Taylor, director of the Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance at the Interior Department, explained to Federal Drive hosts Tom Temin and Emily Kopp how his agency plans to meet the goal.

    April 23, 2014
  • Bernie Mazer becomes the eighth senior IT executive to leave federal service or move to a new role in the last six months. Mazer helped transform the way Interior manages and oversees technology.

    March 28, 2014
  • While the latest rounds of buyouts and early retirements span agencies as diverse as the Naval Sea Systems Command and the Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management, one thing many of them have in common is the targeted nature of the offers. In many instances, agencies are targeting offers to employees in specific job areas or agency locations.

    February 25, 2014
  • Bernie Mazer, the Interior Department's chief information officer, said among his top priorities are data center consolidation, cloud hosting, cybersecurity and strategic sourcing. He said the goal is to let the bureau level IT executives focus on mission and not worry about commodity IT. December 12, 2013

    December 12, 2013