Interior Department

  • The Department of Housing and Urban Development, Internal Revenue Service, Office of Management and Budget and the Environmental Protection Agency will all shut down Friday because of widespread employee furloughs — giving feds a four-day holiday weekend. The Labor and Interior Departments also are telling employees to stay home.

    May 23, 2013
  • Government auditors told House Oversight and Government Affairs members that saving money from closing more than 1,000 data centers needs to be metric. OMB said optimization of core data centers is a more important measure than straight cost savings.

    May 15, 2013
  • If you want to be secretary of the Interior, the first thing you do is make sure you are born west of the Mississippi, preferably in California, Arizona, New Mexico or Colorado, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. So what does that do to the job chances of Maryland-born, Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry who is said to be on the short-list for the Interior job?

    January 25, 2013
  • On this week's Bloomberg Government Capital Impact show, analysts examine surging U.S. land lease prices for oil and gas, plus a look at how the Interior Department will be affected by Secretary Ken Salazar's departure. January 24, 2013

    January 24, 2013
  • Ken Salazar, a former Colorado senator and attorney general, handed in his resignation as secretary of the Interior to President Barack Obama, according to a department spokesman. Salazar joined the administration in 2009, when Obama assumed his office.

    January 16, 2013
  • The administration updated with a variety of data to highlight progress against each agency's goals and the cross-agency goals. OMB's Shelley Metzenbaum said the depth of information now on the site puts pressure on agencies to meet or surpass their goals. Interior and Education provide examples of how the discipline that the high-priority goals demanded has positively impacted their agency.

    December 14, 2012
  • IRS, DoD and Interior all are pursuing an assortment of initiatives to prepare for personnel reductions. DoD will release an updated workforce strategic plan by 2015. The IRS is using an online assessment tool to measure how ready employees are to move into leadership positions. Interior is getting managers to understand their important role in workforce planning.

    November 30, 2012
  • Malcolm Jackson, the agency's CIO, said two new contracts for IT hardware and email will begin to transform the way EPA buys and uses technology. November 29, 2012

    November 29, 2012
  • The Federal Salary Council will submit to the Federal Pay Agent in the coming weeks a recommendation to increase the number of localities that get special pay rates. OPM also will release the annual report on how much time federal employees spend on union activities during working hours. CHCO Council will also consider certification process for HR employees.

    November 15, 2012
  • The administration wants chief information officers to take more control over spending on technology, especially in those areas in the "shadows." OMB acting Director Jeff Zients said the Interior Department's approach to giving its CIO control over almost all spending is a model for the rest of the government. Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel to release a report on expected savings from PortfolioStat in the coming months.

    October 19, 2012
  • Acting Director Jeff Zients wrote in a blog post today that agencies have met half of President Obama's goal to save $8 billion by the end of 2013.

    September 04, 2012
  • The Interior Department's new, simplified hiring process has slashed hiring time by more than 100 days. Much of the change results from less paperwork for managers, a department leader told Federal News Radio.

    August 29, 2012
  • Interior estimates 13 million acres in the Western United States have high winds, lots of sunlight, or sit on top of geothermal sources.

    August 07, 2012
  • The next five to 10 years may represent a once-in-a-generation period of challenges and opportunities for the Federal government. The question isn't whether or not your organization will be affected by the shifts but whether or not your organization will be out in front of them. Reduced budgets combined with unchanged - or more complex - missions have resulted in increasing workloads, which have sent agencies searching for ways to leverage limited resources while striving to improve mission performance. So, how can agencies reduce inefficiencies and redundancies without significantly impacting their core missions?

    July 23, 2012