• On this week's Women of Washington radio show, former NASA Deputy Director Lori Garver gives her take on the agency's future.

    July 16, 2014
  • A group of foreign nationals working on one of NASA's major projects found a way to choose their own security clearances to gain access to sensitive technologies. The way they did it was pretty simple. NASA just let them do it. Belva Martin is director of Acquisition and Sourcing Management Issues at the Government Accountability Office. In a new GAO report, she looks at NASA's supply chain security. She shared a few ways the agency can tighten up its grip on In Depth with Francis Rose.

    June 26, 2014
  • OMB is giving agencies a lot of latitude to figure out how best to meet key parts of the Government Performance and Results Act Modernization Act of 2010. NASA, NSF say they are developing strategic review processes that fit their specific mission goals. Agencies are going through the first set of reviews and rankings this summer.

    June 20, 2014
  • Former NASA CIO and cloud computing pioneer Linda Cureton sits down with Women of Washington hosts Aileen Black and Gigi Schumm to discuss leadership, the importance of taking risks and current fiscal constraints on NASA.

    June 10, 2014
  • The government is in the biggest drive to promote STEM since the Sputnik era. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and math. The country needs more students to become interested in these vital fields. Now the Education Department and NASA have teamed up in a novel approach attract students to STEM. Camsie McAdams is the deputy director of the STEM office at Education. She spoke with Tom and Emily on the Federal Drive.

    June 03, 2014
  • NASA's reliance on private companies to get astronauts and supplies to the International Space Station is in question now because of the problems with the U.S. relationship with Russia. But the future of the private space industry in the U.S. looks bright, thanks to NASA's plan to spur competition in that industry. Alan Lindenmoyer is program manager of the Commercial Crew and Cargo Program at NASA's Johnson Space Center and a finalist for a Service to America Medal in the Management Excellence category. He describes to In Depth with Francis Rose the series of events that led NASA to encourage private space development. Read a Q&A with Lindenmoyer.

    May 23, 2014
  • Alan Lindenmoyer, program manager in NASA's Commercial Crew and Cargo Program at the Johnson Space Center, spearheaded the effort to use private industry to provide the space agency's orbital transportation services.

    May 21, 2014
  • While many people may think NASA is focused on space and looking at the stars alone, NASA research physical scientist Miguel O. Román is using satellite data to monitor changes in the Earth's environment.

    May 20, 2014
  • The Service to America Medals honor federal employees who go above and beyond their job descriptions to serve the public. For the next few months, Federal News Radio will be speaking to many of the finalists. On today's Federal Drive, Tom Temin and Emily Kopp spoke with Miguel Roman, a research scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. His studies of thermal infrared imaging technology have helped authorities detect and fight wildfires. He's also used satellite imagery to quantify electricity use worldwide and map the impact of storms on the power grid. View photos and read more about each of this year's 33 finalists. In addition, read a Q&A with Miguel Román.

    May 19, 2014
  • NASA’s preparing to send an astronaut to the International Space Station on May 28. Despite tensions between NASA and Russia they’ll head there aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket. NASA flight engineer Reid Wiseman provided an…

    May 09, 2014
  • Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Federal Programs and the Federal Workforce, hosted a hearing Tuesday to discuss the low morale of federal employees and explore possible solutions for agencies seeking to improve it.

    May 07, 2014
  • So you don't think the federal bureaucracy is so creative? A new analysis of the latest Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey shows innovation in government is on the wane. Just one-third of federal employees say their agencies reward outside-the-box thinking. The Partnership for Public Service and its partners in the analysis find some bright spots, however. At the top is NASA. Author Rod Pyle has written a new book on the agency, called Innovation the NASA Way. He told Federal Drive hosts Tom Temin and Emily Kopp about his book.

    April 25, 2014
  • A House panel recently held back-to-back hearings: one with NASA Administrator Charles Bolden on the agency's budget request, and the other with the authors of a report on security at NASA centers. NASA is under pressure to show Congress it's tightening security following a high-profile case of a Chinese spy and other cybersecurity breaches that have flown under the radar. NASA requested a review of its security procedures after spotting some red flags. Joe Thompson, project director of the National Academy of Public Administration, organized the review. He told Federal Drive hosts Tom Temin and Emily Kopp about the study. Read Federal News Radio's related article.

    April 14, 2014
  • Changes come in the wake of a NASA-commissioned report on the issue of foreign nationals' access to sensitive information. The study, which has not been released to the public, found the agency had failed to establish a central management structure for those workers' access to data and didn't impose consequences when its policies were violated.

    April 14, 2014