Mexico Tropical Weather

Newest constellation of weather satellites gets flight plan

Space Hour host Eric White spoke to Dylan Powell, Lead Strategist for Weather and Earth Science at Lockheed Martin.

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A new NASA experiment shows finding the building blocks for life on other planets may not require much digging

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SATCOM, Satellite communications

Four essential elements of trustworthy public-private SATCOM partnership

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Meet something new for NASA — its first chief artificial intelligence officer

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House Appropriators, Federal workforce, Congress Debt Limit

The federal workforce is growing, as House appropriators consider agency spending cuts

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Bob Tobias

What exactly does make a good place to work in the government anyhow?

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/scyther5best places to work in the federal government, small business, VBA

Lessons from the best and not-so-best places to work

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Partnership for Public Service, Best place to work, federal agencies,Election 2024 Democrats Trump

2023 Best Places to Work marks a turning point in employee engagement

Beyond just the rankings of the 2023 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government, there appears to be a broader atmospheric shift for the federal workforce.

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GAOGovernment Accountability Office

Best Places to Work: How to read the results

The smaller the agency measured, the more widely scores vary. That means the quality and skills of local managers are crucial in employee attitudes.

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NASA/Aubrey GemignaniImage of NASA astronauts wearing solar eclipse glasses in front of NASA building in Washington, D.C.

Best Places to Work top 10 list has a few new faces, and many familiar ones

In a preview of the Best Places to Work rankings, the Partnership for Public Service has released top 10 lists of agencies with high employee engagement scores.

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