national security

  • America's national security mission must adapt to the increasing complexity of threats. That means guarding against traditional risks and innovating to anticipate emerging ones. Technology can help, but it can be difficult to navigate the IT solutions amid shrinking budgets and a flood of data. Mark Testoni is president and CEO of SAP National Security Services. He joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive with advice on improving the mission as well as the business of national security.

    October 30, 2014
  • Heritage Foundation security expert James Carafano will discuss the terrorist bombings in Boston, and what the U.S. government can do to prevent future attacks. April 19, 2013

    April 19, 2013
  • The Pentagon will deal with budget challenges in 2013, but those aren't the only issues DoD planners will face. Rudy deLeon, senior vice president for National Security & International Policy at the Center for American Progress and a former deputy secretary of defense, says the U.S. relationship with China will be a high-profile challenge for the Defense Department in 2013.

    December 31, 2012
  • An inspector general report found the Environmental Protection Agency's national security information infrastructure needed improvement in light of a 2009 executive order. The report called for more comprehensive information security guidelines and better regulation of employees' security clearances.

    July 09, 2012
  • New security measures, including a new polygraph question, will help avoid leaks from intelligence employees, announced James Clapper, director of National Intelligence. Lawyer John Mahoney analyzes the legal responsibilities between agencies and federal employees.

    June 28, 2012
  • Host Derrick Dortch is joined by Retireed U.S. Marine Corps Brigadier General Thomas V. Draude. September 23, 2011(Encore presentation October 7, 2011)

    September 23, 2011
  • National Counterterrorism Center director Michael Leiter will resign in the coming month. Leiter has been at NCTC since 2007, coming from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence

    June 09, 2011
  • Your agency will function just fine after a major disaster. Richard Reed is the special assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and Senior Director for Resilience Policy at the Executive Office of the President. He\'s also the man that made that possible.

    May 24, 2011
  • President Obama is expected to make personnel announcements Thursday to unveil a major shuffling of his national security team. We get details and analysis from the AP\'s Mark Smith and our own JJ Green.

    April 28, 2011
  • Economics is a growing factor with regard to national security. The Congressional Research Service has put out a paper that says U.S. security has long been connected to its economic power and global leadership. Now…

    February 01, 2011
  • Federal employees are banned from reading WikiLeaks. But does this ban apply to the Pentagon Papers too?

    January 18, 2011
  • Former CIA Director James Woolsey advocates use of alternative fuels. He explains some of the ways to do this in his interview with In Depth host Francis Rose.

    January 17, 2011
  • WFED\'s Jared Serbu brings details of DHS\' new anti-terrorism program.

    December 08, 2010
  • As part of the 2010 and Beyond series, Homeland Security Today Editor David Silverberg discusses why a series of FBI sting operations are on the top of his national security story list for the year.

    December 06, 2010