HUD’s Inspector General says the department’s attempt to move its finances to a shared service is moving too fast.
Michael Daniel, the White House cybersecurity coordinator, said the new Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center (CTIIC) will work behind the scenes to connect the cyber dots.
Congressman Will Hurd (R-Texas), chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee on IT, said he will use the FITARA scorecard currently under development to hold agencies accountable. He promised hearings on both FITARA and the OPM data breach this fall.
Federal CIO Tony Scott said because of the wide-spread use of legacy IT systems, agencies should consider a similar approach to cybersecurity to one that manufacturers use when addressing product defects.
In Depth host Francis Rose sits down with Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) for a conversation about some of the top stories impacting federal employees.
The federal technology community is seeing a lot of key senior executives switch roles or leave government, including new officials in charge of data analytics at GSA and EPA.
Congress returns after its August recess needing to complete 12 spending bills, deal with a looming fiscal deadline, and focus on cybersecurity and DoD issues.
Tony Scott, the federal chief information officer, said agencies lost their sense of urgency around securing data and networks, and in how they invest in new applications.
In lieu of a government shutdown, a continuing resolution can be an improvement opportunity for agency leaders and transition officers.
The Office of Personnel Management and Department of Defense have awarded a $133 million contract to help protect the personal information of people impacted by the cyber breach.
Congress has 10 work days when it gets back from recess to come up with a plan to fund the government for fiscal 2016. A continuing resolution looks like the most likely scenario. Linda Springer is former controller at the Office of Management and Budget and former director of the Office of Personnel Management. She tells In Depth with Francis Rose that your agency will be in better shape if you start planning for a CR now.
Faisal Iqbal, public sector CTO for Citrix, offers four things agencies should start today to improve the security of their networks and data.
The departments of Veterans Affairs and Labor could use a long-established approach to making services for veterans easier to find if they'd only remember it's there.
Tony Scott, the federal chief information officer, said agencies need to build from within to address talent gaps throughout the government.
Federal Chief Information Officer Tony Scott quickly recognized federal agencies and the private sector have the similar challenges in hiring and training IT workers. In his short seven months in government, Scott added the IT workforce to his top-priority list. Scott tells executive editor Jason Miller about how OMB will ramp its efforts to improve the federal technology workforce over the next few months.