Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney issued a memo detailing 59 data reporting and other requirements that either are no longer necessary, modified or paused as the first step to making the government more efficient.
Democrats and Republicans voiced their concern that EPA's 31 percent cut in funding for fiscal 2018 could do more harm than good, and leave states "holding the bag" for the federal agency.
Agency leaders are reviewing tens of thousands of comments from their employees and the public on ways to make government more effective and efficient. In speaking with their workforces about their ideas, most leaders say the focus has generally been on how the agency can better deliver the mission and services to the public, not on forthcoming personnel cuts.
The Government Accountability Office faults the Office of Personnel Management for not fairly evaluating each of the bids in a $117 million dollar contract.
The Office of Management and Budget is expected to release a new memo later this week, which will describe an initial review of existing requirements and reporting burdens that the administration believes agencies can scale back.
The Center's recommendations include establishing an API for legislative data, addressing the LGBT data gap, and requiring corporate data transparency.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) blasted a recent opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel, which urges executive branches to respond only to inquires from congressional committee chairman. Some Cabinet-level secretaries have said they would not abide by the OLC policy.
The Office of Management and Budget and new White House Office of American Innovation are working together on a 90-day sprint to develop a series of work streams on a variety of topics. Teams will recommend new ideas on ways to improve shared services mechanisms, the Trusted Internet Connections (TIC) policy and federal hiring process.
The Office of Management and Budget issued implementation guidance for the cybersecurity executive order, giving agencies four deadlines over the next three months.
Environmental Protection Agency acting Deputy Administrator Mike Flynn said more details about what positions are included in the VERA/VSIP program will be available this summer.
The Small Business Administration's new chief said she is focused on streamlining operations, mentoring entrepreneurs and launching a new marketing program.
The Trusted Internet Connection (TIC) policy is making the move to the cloud more complex than some say it needs to be. It was one of three hot topics at the ACT-IAC Management of Change conference last week.
John O’Grady, president of AFGE Council 238, which specifically represents EPA employees, says cutting the agency's budget by one-third will impact federal, state, and local levels of public health, not to mention hurt employee morale.
Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said he will make the case to fellow lawmakers that it’s the wrong time to cut federal employee benefits as the unemployment rate is low.
President Donald Trump’s budget request sent to Congress May 23 calls for an increase of $1.6 billion for federal technology programs and projects.