The Office of Personnel Management has decided the government in the D.C. area will remain closed one more day.
A new bill from Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Jon Tester (D-Mont.) defines the term "administrative leave" and creates new categories of leave for employees awaiting the results of an agency investigation.
Karen Terrell, vice president of SAS Federal, argues that adaptive case management could transform the current approach to reviewing federal employees and contractors with security clearances.
With so many federal employees working from home, is the government really shut down? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey talks about Uncle Sam's silent snow warriors.
Federal employees get one more day to dig out from the historic blizzard that hit the District, Maryland and Virginia metro areas.
Federal News Radio wants to know how you're staying warm this weekend. Share your snowstorm photos and tell us what you think about OPM's snowstorm response.
The Office of Personnel Management announced early departure guidelines for federal employees late last night, but commuting feds are mad they may have to fight the snow on their way home.
The National Background Investigations Bureau will have its own director, who will report to the Office of Personnel Management. The administration says it doesn't have a specific timeline for implementing the new security clearance program or standing up the new agency, but changes will come in incremental stages.
The Office of Personnel Management says employees should leave four hours before normal, but no later than 12 p.m.
A call of the Metropolitan Council of Governments will help determine when and if the federal government should open, close early or not close early ahead of the impending blizzard.
Federal employees in the Washington, D.C. area took their commute frustrations out on the Office of Personnel Management Thursday morning, citing the agency's decision to keep federal agencies open without a two-hour delay or allow unscheduled telework.
The Office of Personnel Management is letting agencies forego previous 2010 spending levels on recruitment, relocation and retention (3Rs) to help them hire new cybersecurity talent. Agencies must tell OPM of their plans and what critical needs they want to fill before getting approval.
The Office of Personnel Management is reminding managers of existing protocols for reviewing their employees. OPM encouraged executives to apply the "employee engagement plus" methodology to their appraisal process.
President Barack Obama’s final State of the Union speech offered few details on new programs or initiatives for federal managers and contractors. But the President did announce a new public-private sector effort to find a cure for cancer, led by Vice President Joe Biden.
Katie Maddocks, deputy director of Government Affairs at the Federal Managers Association, joins host Mike Causey to discuss the Wounded Warrior project, the OPM data breach, and more. January 13, 2016