Rep. Gerry Connolly weighs in on the USPS\'s debt woes
In case of emergency, do you know what your telework options are? OPM says NOW is the time to find out.
Imagine working for a place where the boss could give you a bonus or pay raise for good performance, or freeze your pay and dock your annual leave if you repeatedly fail to measure up. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says imagine you are working there because it\'s coming your way.
Agency graduates first class from a training series that participants say will help them meet challenges they face on the job every day.
Auditors looked at 117 employee conversations to career positions from political ones and found most followed the rules. OPM is reviewing five of the seven that GAO determined to be improper.
As agencies try to hire hundreds of trained cybersecurity experts in the coming years, there are questions about whether that need can be met. Some observers wonder whether there really are enough cybersecurity workers.
The first graduates of a new leadership training program run by the Office of Personnel Management received their certificates yesterday. They are, as OPM Director John Berry describes them, the \"tip of the spear\" of a cadre of up-and-coming federal workers who are honing their leadership skills to be the next generation of agency leaders and executives who will run the government.
Agency releases new guides to help hiring managers implement the new approach, which will replace the rule of three.
His goal: to settle once and for all the question of whether federal employees are overpaid compared to the private sector.
Director John Berry has asked federal and private sector experts to come up with a formula to compare public and private sector salaries. He says the government has a perception problem that needs to be fixed. Two senators introduce provisions to freeze federal pay and the number of employees.
Tens of thousands of federal employees may have their pay raises cut under the General Schedule for earning better raises under NSPS. Federal Managers Association\'s Patricia Niehaus explains.
Sens. Lieberman, Collins and Carper\'s legislation creates two new offices to oversee federal cybersecurity in DHS and the White House. It also forms a new Federal Information Security Taskforce made up of agency chief information security officers. Bill does not include \"kill switch\" provision for private sector networks.
A recent study by the Office of Personnel Management shows that women and minorities participate less in the Thrift Savings Plan than their white, male counterparts. Tom Trabucco of the Federal Retirement Thrift Investments Board explains what they\'re doing to try and close the gap.
Director of Acquisition and Sourcing Management shares ideas to implement OMB insourcing guidelines.