The Merit Systems Protection Board praised recent Office of Personnel Management guidance designed to help agencies better assess job candidates and their qualifications. But the assessment tools OPM offers to agencies for a fee are often too expensive, MSPB said.
In today's Federal Newscast, the Office of Government Policy clarifies what federal employees need to report when accepting invitations to attend conferences.
If we take some agile concepts and apply them to how government is organized and staffed, we may see that many criticisms of shortcomings can be addressed.
Fans of the Thrift Savings Plan hope new withdrawal rules encourage more people to stick with it when they move to another job or retire.
The Trump administration has clarified how agencies should proceed with current, ongoing collective bargaining negotiations with federal employee union, now that the president's workforce executive orders are in full force.
The Office of Personnel Management has even more performance management guidance. This time, it's designed to encourage agencies to reconsider the concept of progressive discipline when managing employees.
Agencies are finding ways on their own to hire top talent, reskill existing employees and manage their workforces with more agility, a skill the Trump administration says is necessary absent some sweeping civil service modernization.
The Office of Personnel Management reported fewer retirement claims received last month, as well as fewer processed, compared to the month prior.
The Office of Personnel Management on Friday instructed agencies to begin implementing the president's workforce executive orders on official time, collective bargaining and employee removals.
A quiet update for the Overseas Private Investment Corporation shows how reorgs can work without flamethrowing.
Bernie Kluger, a former deputy performance improvement officer at OPM, makes the case that if Americans begin to see government as the one employer best able to provide work with meaning, then they have a personal reason to be invested in its improvement.
While all of the focus on the OPM-GSA merger has been on OPM’s shortcomings, it is safe to say that the federal government as a whole has not covered itself with respect to management issues.
Federal News Network conducted a six-month investigation exploring how the administration’s proposed merger of GSA and OPM left employees with more questions than answers and frustrated lawmakers.
Federal News Network conducted a six-month investigation on the long-term consequences of the Trump administration’s proposed merger of OPM and GSA.
The injunction on the president's workforce executive orders has expired, clearing the way for agencies to officially begin implementing them again.