Joanne Woytek, program manager of the NASA SEWP program joins host Roger Waldron to talk about the contract and the implementation of SEWP 5. May 21, 2013
Administrator Joe Jordan said he views the possibilities as everything from new contracts to take advantage of volume discounts to standardizing terms and conditions to save on administrative costs. GSA FAS is reorganizing around 14 strategic sourcing areas.
Joe Jordan, administrator for Federal Procurement Policy at OMB, joins host Roger Waldron to discuss a wide range of procurement issues. March 12, 2013
Joe Jordan, administrator for Federal Procurement Policy at OMB, joins host Roger Waldron to discuss a wide range of procurement issues. January 29, 2013
News and buzz in the acquisition and IT communities that you may have missed this week.
Vietnam Veterans of America alleges the Veterans Affairs Department's service-disabled veteran-owned business set aside program is keeping legitimately qualified companies from competing for VA contracts. The group advocates loosening a rule that requires service-disabled veterans maintain unconditional control of all business decisions.
Acting Director Jeff Zients asks SBA and the FAR Council to create a proposed rule to change the acquisition regulations calling for prime contractors to pay small subcontractors more quickly.
A new federal program to help small contractors owned by women is drawing criticism from lawmakers and business advocates who say it has provided too little assistance to too few firms.
Joanne Woytek, program manager of NASA SEWP talks about the government wide contract vehicle and its goals and missions for the future. June 18, 2012(Encore presentation July 16, 2012)
Some small businesses are calling into question the benefits of the Obama administration's strategic sourcing initiative. They say the agencies are mandating the use of the office supplies BPA and putting more than 500 Schedule 75 holders at risk of losing their business. GSA, which runs Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative (FSSI), said there still are plenty of sales to go around as the BPA accounts for less than half of the $1.4 billion office supplies market.
Agency introduces the new Demand Based Model that will focus resources on the products and services agencies need and want the most. GSA plans on closing two schedules and parts of 14 others to new offerors. GSA also will cut vendors who do little or no business on the schedule to help reduce administrative costs.
The agency picks 10 service disabled veteran-owned small businesses (SDVOSBs) for its CIO-SP3 Small Business GWAC. NIH will make other small business and full-and-open awards in the coming month.
Former AFCEA Central Maryland presidents Chuck Taylor and Jerry Schepers will talk about the organization and its activities. May 21, 2012
Host Roger Waldron talks about the key procurement issues with Joe Hornyak, partner at Holland & Knight LLP. May 8, 2012
The committee will focus on making it easier for small firms to do business with the Pentagon. The military missed three of five small business goals in 2010. The Panel on Business Challenges in the Defense Industry made several recommendations to improve the success of small firms that want to do business with DoD.