The State Department is inviting federal employees and contractors to renew their passports online before a broader, public launch of this capability this fall.
If you want to help change the world, the State Department isn't a bad place to start. And if you want to get a foot into the door at the State Department, a paid internship isn't a bad way to go. This fall, the State Department launches a new paid student internship program. Director of recruitment in State's bureau of global talent management, Mica Schweitzer-Bluhm, explained.
The State Department is elevating its cybersecurity mission and is focusing on setting international norms for cyber through its newest bureau.
On Transgender Day of Visibility, the White House announced agency actions to improve federal services and customer experience for LGBTQ+ Americans.
A crucial part of the State Department has a new head of crucial function at a time of high world tension.
Geographic information is crucial to agency missions almost everywhere. And it's especially true for the U.S. Agency for International Development.
In today's Federal Newscast: Lawmakers call for more money in the defense budget. An effort is underway to reform and modernize the State Department. And pregnant Marines get a break on clothing
Despite the scattered arrangement of State Department employees around the world, going to a remote and hybrid work environment during the pandemic was less challenging than IT officials expected.
In today's Federal Newscast, the State Department didn’t communicate key elements of its global evacuation policy to the 26 agencies whose employees work in embassies and consulates overseas.
The State Department is one of the latest agencies to launch a Subject-Matter Expert Qualification Assessment (SME-QA) pilot, this time focused on hiring grant management specialists and foreign affairs officers.
Rule of law is most important when confronted with lawlessness, small or massive.
In today's Federal Newscast, the Defense and State departments have been working together for months to evacuate and house Afghan refugees on U.S. military bases, but still don’t have any written agreements formalizing those arrangements.
Forbes Magazine's list of the 500 best mid-sized employers in the United States included a couple of federal agencies, among them the Government Publishing Office.
The ongoing aggression by Vladimir Putin and his Russian armed forces has provoked a nearly all-of-government response from the United States, no less than nations geographically closer to Ukraine. That includes the State Department.
In today's Federal Newscast, the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force has new guidance for masking and COVID testing for federal agencies.