OPM, GSA, Interior hold fair in Washington to educate employees about being greener. GSA administrator Johnson says it takes a collaborative approach to be more efficient. OPM director Berry calls for more telework to save energy.
Friday and Monday are the most popular telework days in government. So are you doing your thing from your home computer or are you at work work? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s got the latest saga in the telework marathon.
Phase 1 has already begun in expanding telework in the federal government.
Federal retirees didn\'t get a cost of living adjustment this year. What\'s the outlook for a COLA in 2011? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey rates the chances as somewhere between slim and none.
To really hit home with telework, experts say the quality of video must improve.
OPM\'s workplace flexibility pilot program takes shape in Washington and Pennsylvania.
Two bills in Congress would \"require that all federal workers be considered eligible for telework unless the agency shows they are ineligible.\"
OPM Director John Berry says he wants to increase the percentage of feds who telework.
Your agency Telework Coordinator is about to be your new bff.
Teleworkers worked hard during the snow storms. Many worked hard just to be able to telework.
Sec. Clinton\'s take on telework is asked for at a town hall meeting with employees.
When considering how to save money and \"what not to buy in 2010\", remember that teleworkers have some special considerations.
Lessons learned from a snow day and how much they really mean.