Happy Birthday Marines!

Birthday Boys & Girls Congratulations to the United States Marines, celebrating their 233rd birthday today. Gunnery Sgt. Fred Zimmerman told me how the Mar...

Birthday Boys & Girls

Congratulations to the United States Marines, celebrating their 233rd birthday today. Gunnery Sgt. Fred Zimmerman told me how the Marines celebrate, some history behind the observation, and his personal story of a Marine birthday in an unlikely location.

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Transition: What First?

There are lots of issues for the incoming Obama administration to tackle. Which ones are the most important? Last Friday the Brookings Institution hosted two former transition leaders, Ken Duberstein and Leon Panetta, at a panel called “Where Should the President-elect Begin?” They discussed the issues the new President will deal with, and offered strategies and experiences to help his team get their new work done.

Click to hear the entire event

Watching the New Folks

Lots of groups are watching the signs coming from the Obama transition team. One of them is the National Active & Retired Federal Employees, or NARFE. Their Legislative Director, Dan Adcock, talked to Federal News Radio’s Jason Miller about what they are watching for.

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Password Busters Beware

The Chief Information Officers’ Council is adding a Security and Identity Management Committee, and one of the Co-Chairs is the Navy CIO, Robert Carey. He told me why the committee is necessary, what drove its formation, and what they’re going to study.

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Looking for Work, Federal Style

Now is the best time in a long time to improve your work situation in the Federal government, says Lily Whiteman, author of “How To Land A Top-Paying Federal Job.” She told us why, and talked about how hiring reforms might move forward in the new administration.

Click to hear the interview

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