#FedFeed – OPM uses Instagram to put spotlight on workforce

Welcome to the #FedFeed, a daily collection of federal ephemera gathered from social media and presented for your enjoyment.

Welcome to the #FedFeed, a daily collection of federal ephemera gathered from social media and presented for your enjoyment.

The Office of Personnel Management is on Instagram now. It let everyone know by tweeting a screenshot of its page.

So far, it’s a showcase of federal jobs, with the central theme that they’re probably cooler than yours.

To be fair, spaceship builder is a pretty cool job.

So is scuba diver.

Serving our nation in 1979 looked like this. Pictured above is Joanna Fowler working in a lab researching cancer.⚗ #cancer #cancerresearch #cancertracing #energy #science #womenworkers #women

A photo posted by OPM (@usopm) on

And mad scientist.

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