Thanks to technology preparedness and staffing, Montana's CIO has been overseeing the state's COVID-19 response from a cabin just outside Glacier National Park.
Irv Dennis, the CFO for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, said his office already has kicked off initiatives to implement robotics process automation and data analytics ahead incoming help from the IT Modernization Centers of Excellence program.
When it comes to gathering data, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is one of the most network-intensive agencies you’ll find.
Sens. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.) introduced a bill to codify the IT modernization Centers of Excellence initiative as part of a growing acknowledgement on Capitol Hill that agencies need more resources to move off legacy technology.
To make sure NARA can still open digital records years from now, the agency has released a Digital Preservation Framework with digital recordkeeping best practices for hundreds of file formats.
After issuing laptops and increasing network capacity, IT offices in some agencies have had to build up a culture of telework for employees unaccustomed to telework.
Anil Cheriyan, the director of the Technology Transformation Service and deputy commissioner of the Federal Acquisition Service at the General Services Administration, and Bob DeLuca, the executive director of the IT modernization Centers of Excellence initiative are moving on.
This week on Leaders and Legends Felix Van de Maele, CEO of high-tech unicorn Collibra, joins Aileen Black to share his journey and leadership advice for start up and high growth companies.
Michael Speca, president and Josh O’Sullivan, chief technology officer at Ardalyst, joined host John Gilroy on this week's Federal Tech Talk to talk about CMMC, small business, and the strengths and weaknesses of CMMC on the Microsoft platform.
Federal News Network asked 10 members of the federal IT community to offer comments and insights about the impact Federal CIO Suzette Kent has had on the government over the last two-plus years.
The Department of Veterans Affairs expanded telehealth appointments by 1000% during the coronavirus pandemic. Both VA and Congress seem to agree: telehealth is here to stay, but it's unclear just how pervasive those capabilities will be as the department evolves past the current health crisis.
Bill Vajda, Interior’s chief information officer, said IT modernization is letting the agency train its employees to be problem solvers and not focused on wires and pliers.
The Veterans Affairs-Defense Department electronic health record project is more than a patient wiki.
CMS' Office of Information Technology will hold an “upskilling summit” Wednesday to encourage employees to take courses in human-centered design, product management, cloud technology and cybersecurity.
IT Modernization became an even higher priority for federal agencies once COVID-19 landed on the United States like a ton of bricks earlier this year. Two people leading the IT Modernization charge in the nation’s capital can both be found at the Office of Management and Budget: Federal CIO Suzette Kent and Deputy Federal CIO Maria Roat.