Acquisition Policy

  • A new report to Congress shows 17 of the 24 largest agencies bought sustainable products at least 95 percent of the time.

    April 21, 2015
  • Geoff Livingston, president of Tenacity5 Media will discuss the state of social media with host Mark Amtower. April 20, 2015

    April 20, 2015
  • Like the little engine that could, the General Services Administration never seems to stop the process of examining the rules, regulations and policies surrounding its many acquisition efforts. It\'s been busy on software procurement and several other issues. Jeff Koses, the senior procurement executive at the Office of Government-wide Policy at GSA, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to explain what\'s cookin\', and how it affects government buyers and contractors.

    April 20, 2015
  • There was an end of the week flurry of activity among cybersecurity executives in the government. First off, we found out Homeland Security Department’s John Streufert officially is retiring on May 1. An email from…

    April 20, 2015
  • Office of Science and Technology Policy and the General Services Administration\'s 18F lab take part in hackathon focused on developing solutions for digital accessibility problems.

    April 17, 2015
  • The General Services Administration\'s 18F and the U.S. Digital Service based at the Office of Management and Budget, are two of the first examples of the digital services teams agencies have to deploy by administration order. But digital services won\'t work the same, or do the same thing, at every agency. Mike Kruger is director of digital engagement at the Commerce Department. On with Francis Rose, he explained a couple things digital services are not.

    April 17, 2015
  • The Government Accountability Office\'s 2015 duplication report has produced the usual round of hearings and handwringing over how much the federal government wastes. This year\'s version even adds 12 new areas of waste to the list. Gene Dodaro is the GAO Comptroller General. After a full round of Congressional testimony, Dodaro joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to give his personal take on the annual effort. He says that although the report is big, it doesn\'t unduly burden the GAO.

    April 16, 2015
  • DHS and OMB says the continuous diagnostics and mitigation program will begin to show \'intrinsic value\' to the government as more and more agencies benefit from the cyber tools and services. GSA\'s $39 million award to Booz Allen is the second of six awards for tools and services under the program.

    April 16, 2015
  • Kevin Youel Page, deputy commissioner for the Federal Acquisition Service, joins host Roger Waldron, to discuss the impacts of category management, and the future of the Common Acquisition Platform. April 14, 2015

    April 14, 2015
  • Lisa Dezzutti and Monica Mayk of Market Connections join host Mark Amtower to discuss the top challenges that contractors face in marketing to the federal government, and how shrinking budgets are impacting marketing. April 13, 2015

    April 13, 2015
  • As much attention as the Veterans Affairs senior executive responsible for oversight of the debacle in Boulder, Colorado of the construction of a new hospital left, his replacement got strikingly little fanfare.

    April 13, 2015
  • The General Services Administration plans to substantially complete the merger of eight professional schedule contracts into one by November. Tiffany Hixson, GSA\'s Federal Acquisition Service\'s professional services category executive, said 440 professional services contractors owning more than 4,400 total schedules need to migrate to the new construct.

    April 09, 2015
  • Online security and online access for people with disabilities have collided. Many of the most common Web practices for ensuring a user is actually human can be very difficult to use if you\'ve got a disability. For example, Techniques like CAPTCHA, which requires users to type in a distorted word or symbol, can be impossible for the blind. To remedy that, the General Services Administration\'s 18F tech team recently held an \"Accessibility Hackathon.\" They want to find a way to keep dot-gov sites secure and make them more accessible. Nick Bristow is an 18F innovation specialist working on this problem. He joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to explain some of the team\'s ideas.

    April 08, 2015
  • Van Hitch, senior advisor with Deloitte\'s Federal Consulting Practice, joins host Roger Waldron to talk about some of the IT acquisition challenges facing federal managers. April 7, 2015

    April 07, 2015