
  • According to recent reports, commercial satellite imagery detected one and possibly two Type 093 nuclear-powered attack submarines docked at a Chinese navy base in the South China Sea. In 2008, a nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine was detected at the same location, but is not assessed to be based there. China is building and basing submarines to enforce its maritime claims in the East and South China Seas. Experts rate the technology in the Type 093 as a generation or more behind the US, but it is better than anything in the navies of the Southeast Asian states that dispute China\'s sea claims.

    November 04, 2010
  • Changes are coming to Defense Department IT spending. Input\'s Deniece Peterson predicts what\'s ahead.

    November 04, 2010
  • Rival teams from Lockheed Martin and Austal USA have been waiting all year to see which of their designs would be chosen for the U.S. Navy\'s Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) competition. Now, if the Navy gets permission from the lame-duck Congress, the winner could be: both.

    November 04, 2010
  • The federal government will increase its spending on information technology from $86 billion in 2010 to $112 billion by 2015, according to a new forecast by Input, a Reston, Va.-based consulting firm.

    November 04, 2010
  • According to recent reports, Chinese Major General Hui recently visited Pakistan Chief of Army Staff, General Kayani. Chinese intelligence officials seldom visit Pakistan unless there is a problem. The usual problem is that Pakistan is harboring, aiding, training and abetting anti-Han Chinese Islamic terrorists in 42 camps within Pakistani Kashmir. Pakistani press said the general visited the tribal agencies in north western Pakistan. Neither party announced the general\'s agenda, but this type of visit usually signifies stress in the relationship related to security issues.

    November 03, 2010
  • Joanne Woytek is Program Manager for NASA\'s SEWP: Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement. She gives Tom Temin an update on the success of the program and tells him what lies ahead.

    November 03, 2010
  • OFPP is holding these meetings with large agencies to understand how they are meeting the Obama administration\'s acquisition goals. The sessions are similar to the TechStat sessions, but they\'re not at the program level. OFPP also is finalizing rules around multiple award contracts and schedule bidding.

    November 03, 2010
  • Changes in the Pentagon\'s contracting process are taken from Jacques Gansler\'s 2007 report commissioned by Army Secretary Pete Geren.

    November 02, 2010
  • Ray Bjorklund, senior vice president and chief knowledge officer at FedSources, discussed the confusion surrounding the Army\'s EAGLE contract.

    November 02, 2010
  • Federal News Radio\'s Jason Miller joined the DorobekINSIDER with details on the stat sessions by the Office of Federal Procurement Policy to collect data on how your agency is reducing the use of high-risk contracts.

    November 02, 2010
  • Nick Schwellenbach, director of investigations at POGO , joined the DorobekINSIDER to explain the potential impact of a decrease of DoD audits of smaller contracts.

    November 02, 2010
  • The DorobekINSIDER presents at 2010 Excellence in Partnership Awards.

    November 02, 2010
  • EAGLE II is a follow-on to the current contract. DHS is planning big changes for how it runs this new contract. Bids are due in January.

    November 02, 2010
  • The Iranian Foreign Ministry recently confirmed that it provided financial assistance to Afghanistan, explaining the money was for development and reconstruction. A ministry spokesman said Tehran was providing the aid for infrastructure to remove the need for foreign military presence in Afghanistan. He said the previous government provided this aid and additional funding will continue. Initially Iran denied the New York Times story that revealed the payments. After a brief period of reflection and gauging international reaction to the story, Iran found its interests best served by admitting their financial support - but with a positive spin.

    November 02, 2010