Carol Bonosaro from the Senior Executives Association and Stephen Losey from the Federal Times talk about how sequestration, furloughs, and other issues will affect the federal worker. March 6, 2013
The CIO Council will add 25 more examples of IT project management excellence to its best practice database. DHS CIO Richard Spires said at the awards Tuesday the goal of all of these success stories is to share what worked and leave a broader legacy across all of Federal IT.
Host Roger Waldron talks sequestration with Deltek's Ray Bjorklund, and Bloomberg Government's Cameron Leuthy. March 5, 2013
Warren Master, editor of the online publication, Good Governance Worldwide will discuss telework, shared services, and budget issues with host Mark Amtower. March 4, 2013
With sequestration now in effect, the Defense Department says it will have to begin to make decisions that cross the threshold between "reversible" cuts to military capability and those that will have long-lasting impacts.
Kon Leong, president, CEO and co-founder of ZL Technologies, joins Industry Chatter with Francis Rose to discuss unstructured data, records management and the importance for companies and agencies to archive their "corporate ememories."
Small firms already have taken a disproportionate hit from DoD's pullback in 2013 spending, Pentagon officials say. Military acquisition leaders worry the sudden cuts will bankrupt small businesses that provide one-of-a-kind capabilities.
On this week's Bloomberg Government Capital Impact show, analysts will discuss sequestration and its impact on Congress. February 28, 2013
Career expert and author John Grobe, Federal News Radio's Julia Ziegler, and Federal Times senior writer Stephen Losey will discuss sequestration and other issues affecting federal workers. February 27, 2013
Inspired by her nurturing leadership skills, 12 members of Beverly Godwin's staff nominated her for Federal News Radio's Top Leaders in Federal Service award.
Beth Farrell and Jim Schweiter from McKenna Long and Aldridge LLP discuss how agencies and contractors will be affected by procurement. February 26, 2013
Consultant Bob Davis joins host Mark Amtower to discuss the business development challenges facing many companies. February 25, 2013
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is concerned new regulations may make whistleblowers even more reluctant to report tax fraud to the IRS. OMB Controller Danny Werfel says $85 billion in cuts under sequestration would hurt every state. Maj. Gen. Brett Williams says the U.S. Cyber Command is trying to figure how to normalize operations alongside air, land and sea capabilities. Lynn Singleton, director of environmental services at Lockheed Martin, talks about helping agencies move their email to the cloud. Dr. Milton Corn explains why The National Library of Medicine is monitoring social media.
President Obama's recent executive order directing that cyber threat information be shared more broadly with the private sector risks making the data less useful to the intelligence agencies that gather and process it. But the risk is worth the potential reward.
Kathleen Flanagan, CEO of Bethesda, Md.-based Abt Associates, joins Industry Chatter to discuss the issues facing contractors working in international development.