Regardless of what deal Congress figures out, federal spending is going to rise sharply next year. That will mean more acquisition contracts than ever. Some federal contractors might have technical debt in their ability to manage large volumes of contracts.
Charlotte Phelan, assistant commissioner of the, Office of Enterprise Strategy Management at GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service, joins host Roger Waldron on this week's Off the Shelf for a discussion of the role, responsibilities, and priorities of her office in supporting FAS’s government-wide contracting programs.
If the U.S. is to prevail in the world's strategic hot spots, the Defense Department will have to adopt some of the strategies China seems to be using successfully.
Miller said she was unaware of any data about the success rate of these types of attacks, but there is plenty of anecdotal evidence of companies losing tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars to these scam artists.
The Defense Acquisition University seeks to prepare future contract officers for new challenges as it increases its course offerings and expands ways to learn.
Roger Waldron, president of the Coalition for Government Procurement, writes in his blog that GSA's memo from March extending the economic price adjustment (EPA) highlighted unnecessary, inappropriate and counterproductive pricing language in the MAS solicitation.
CYBERCOM has the money to stop operating under the wing of the Air Force, but it needs to staff up and get a track record.
Although the Postal Service did the requisite environmental impact statement, it wasn't good enough for stakeholders.
The fourth report in a year about the Transactional Data Reporting pilot continues to ring the same negative notes from the inspector general while GSA officials continue to push back against that tune.
Over the last several years, Congress has passed several pieces of legislation meant to speed up the Defense Department’s acquisition system. Now, DoD officials have an idea of their own:
The Court of Federal Claims ruled GSA’s interpretation of Section 876 of the 2018 Defense Authorization was too broad as applied to the Polaris small business GWAC.
At issue are the overseas COLAs the Pentagon uses to ensure military members are compensated fairly, regardless of their duty station.
Robin Bourne, Subject Matter Expert, Federal Acquisition at the Gormley Group joins host Roger Waldron on this week's Off the Shelf to give an update on GSA’s Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) program.
The House Oversight and Accountability Committee raised concerns over OPM's role as both regulator and provider of talent acquisition systems, saying the dual position gives the agency an unfair advantage.
Tiffany Hixson, the assistant commissioner for the Office of Professional Services and Human Capital Categories in the General Services Administration’s Federal Acquisition Service, said spending in 2023 is on track to grow at a significant pace across the entire professional services category.