
  • The agreement boosts the Dell Software Group's portfolio of available tools, including security and database management systems.

    July 04, 2012
  • In 2011, companies reported 198 cyber incidents to the Homeland Security Department — a nearly 383 percent increase above 2010, according to a June 28 report from the Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT). Companies reported nine such incidents in 2009., when DHS opened ICE-CERT to help protect private-sector operators critical infrastructure from "emerging" cyber threats.

    July 04, 2012
  • Ted Davis, president of Unisys Federal Systems, will talk about how his company can help your transition to the cloud. July 3, 2012

    July 04, 2012
  • Carolyn Alston, executive vice president and general counsel for the Coaltiion for Government Procurement, talks about what's ahead for the GSA Multiple Award Schedules Program. July 3, 2012

    July 03, 2012
  • SBA released data today that showed the amount of total dollars going to small firms is down as are the overall percentage of contracts small businesses won in 2011. Agencies made only one governmentwide goal for SDBs last year.

    July 03, 2012
  • Companies specializing in health technology, surveillance and services for military special operations bucked the decline in federal contract spending last year, according to a Bloomberg Government report.

    July 03, 2012
  • Tom Johnson, publisher of Set-Aside Alert talks about the challenges facing contractors. July 2, 2012(Encore presentation August 20, 2012)

    July 02, 2012
  • The Government Accountability Office has turned back a protest over a multibillion dollar contract to administer part of the military's TRICARE health insurance system, the losing bidder said Monday. The Comptroller General's decision was not publicly released as of Monday afternoon, but TriWest officials said they had been notified of the rejection.

    July 02, 2012
  • Hundreds of pieces of equipment the Army has assembled as part of its new network modernization strategy will deploy with soldiers to Afghanistan on Oct. 1, the first results of the Army's transition to capability set management.

    July 02, 2012
  • The General Services Administration is offering buyouts and early retirements to 1,022 employees. The employees have until July 20 to apply and must separate from service between Aug. 3 and Sept. 30.

    July 02, 2012
  • Two new bills advance to the Congress floor in regards to the 2010 GSA Scandal. These bills, if affirmed, will hold executives accountable for misappropriations of funding, and also necessitate agencies to provide rundowns for all conferences spending.

    June 29, 2012
  • The government is investigating allegations against Symplicity Corp. for allegedly accessing without permission the internal networks of two competitors in the education sector. Symplicity, which runs three governmentwide websites, denies any wrongdoing and calls the government's search warrant a one-sided justification for the investigation. Experts say the company could face suspension from new federal procurements.

    June 29, 2012
  • The Veterans Affairs Department wants to change the frequency of reverifying veteran-owned businesses from once a year to once every two years, according to an interim final rule published in the Federal Register.

    June 28, 2012
  • A new federal program to help small contractors owned by women is drawing criticism from lawmakers and business advocates who say it has provided too little assistance to too few firms.

    June 28, 2012