The Homeland Security Department alerted employees in its headquarters office, and its Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement components that a vendor processing background investigations may have exposed personal data. DHS emphasizes there is no evidence of any lost or stolen information.
HHS approves Amazon Web Services for meeting security requirements under the Federal Risk Authorization Management Program. The company's secure documents are available for other agencies to review to help accelerate their move to the cloud.
The Defense Information Security Agency has approved a security guide for iOS 6 making it the third mobile operating system to meet the requirements this month. The agency said it will award a mobile device management system in a few months.
On this week's Capital Impact show, Bloomberg Government analysts discuss the cyber attack on Federal News Radio and WTOP, and the future of crowdfunding. May 16, 2013
The company says both sites have been scrubbed of malware and vulnerabilities have been closed. The "drive-by" attack that affected the sites is a growing type of cyber hack that looks for holes in popular websites. and are available again to users of all Internet browsers.
The news websites, and, are accessible to all Internet users following resolution of a cyber attack against the websites. Users accessing the websites from all web browsers, including Internet Explorer, have full access to both websites.
Seven people were arrested in the U.S., accused of operating the New York cell of what prosecutors said was a network that carried out thefts at ATMs in 27 countries from Canada to Russia.
Out of an abundance of caution, Federal News Radio is continuing to block access to via the Internet Explorer browser.
Three Department of Homeland Security components are testing how ongoing authorizations work. The Office of Management and Budget is drafting a memo to require agencies to change from approving the cybersecurity of systems every three years to a more regular oversight schedule.
On the one-year anniversary of the Digital Government Strategy, the CIO Council and DHS are expected to issue a security baseline and reference architecture for mobile computing. The goal of the document is not to give agencies new requirements but to focus on those security standards that are mobile-centric.
The Pentagon's mobile plan includes device approvals that will involve some up-front costs. The expectation is those costs will be quickly offset by eliminating the inefficiency of the slow, stovepiped and outdated approaches that have characterized DoD mobility up until now.
On this week's Capital Impact show, Bloomberg Government analysts will examine the reasons for the shortage of skilled worker visas, and the differences between U.S. and European approaches to cybersecurity. May 2, 2013
Chase Garwood, the SBA acting CIO, said the agency is working with DHS and Justice to improve the security of its internal and external customer-facing systems. May 1, 2013
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has been at the forefront of some of the most innovative technologies ever created — including the Internet. But as budgets tighten, the agency's director says she's trying to figure out how to deal with an increasingly complex threat environment as less money flows into the research and development pipeline.
News and buzz in the acquisition and IT communities that you may have missed this week.