"I think we'll see a lot of new developments in the next month or two with CMMC, and implementation sometime early next year," said Eric Crusius.
The Department of the Air Force is on track to meet its recruitment goals for fiscal 2024 across all components.
"I think that if the tone is set and the commitment is made to work towards this, other components can also achieve it," said Coralis Rodriguez.
A DoD inspector general report found DoD inconsistently marked controlled unclassified information (CUI). Under CMMC, that could be a big problem.
The Army Medical Corps is shrinking as more and more Army physicians are separating from the service rather than extending their careers.
CBO estimates that the cuts to IRS funding would reduce its total revenue collection by nearly $66 billion dollars over the next decade.
Shery Thomas, an executive in the Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace, said their zero trust effort is on track thanks to the Navy’s enterprisewide service.
Jamie MacGillis, an advisor for digital capabilities, said the Army Contracting Command is leading the effort to adopt modern software capabilities.