The Defense Information Systems Agency is trying to stay ahead of the technology curve. That means putting investments in mobility and the security of mobile devices.
The Defense Department is giving Congress its suggestions for the 2018 defense authorization bill. The proposal gives service members a 2.1 percent pay raise.
Military facility sustainment has been one of the hardest-hit portions of the Defense budget over the last several years. Still, installations do find new ways to meet their missions without more money.
Despite wrestling with a less than ideal budget, the Army is trying to keep energy resilient in the 21st century. Federal News Radio's Scott Maucione talks with Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Energy and Sustainability Jack Surash on Federal Drive with Tom Temin about the Army's energy future.
Bipartisan legislation would require DoD to disclose cyber operations, capabilities to Congress. Advocates say it brings notification requirements in line with what's required for more traditional military operations.
The Defense Department is looking to conduct another round of Base Realignment and Closure in 2021, but as usual, lawmakers are jumpy about losing military bases in their districts.
The military is writing new policies to protect building from sea level rise.
Heather Wilson, the newly-confirmed Secretary of the Air Force, wants to know whether her service’s acquisition professionals are actually using legislative provisions meant to help the Pentagon speed up and simplify the acquisition process
The former Army secretary says there's too much bickering in Congress to actually grow the military, but readiness holes need to be plugged first anyways.
The Navy’s 2018 budget request includes a billion more dollars and a thousand new employees to help the service dig out of an ongoing ship maintenance backlog. Trouble is, the Navy’s current training regimen for new depot maintenance workers takes about five years before they’re ready to work, and officials say they need to find ways to speed that process up.
James MacStravic, who's performing the duties of undersecretary of Defense for acquisition, technology and logistics plans to spend the next year driving DoD toward better performance in IT acquisition, including by reducing the number of departmentwide policies on the topic.
Navy's personnel IT budget rises by 77 percent in 2018 and is expected to more than double by 2020 to support a "transformation" of the personnel system dubbed Sailor 2025.
In one of her first public appearances, Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson gives pilots more flexibility in contract lengths.
Presidents have used the overseas contingency operations fund to bolster the Defense Department budget outside of the Budget Control Act rules. But Congress should do better.
Acting Defense Undersecretary for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology James MacStravic gave an inside look at what DoD is like under the new administration.