Rich Lombardi, the service’s principal deputy assistant secretary for acquisition, has been reassigned after he did not properly disclose a financial interest in a defense firm.
The National Security Cutter is at the heart of a long-running effort to modernize the Coast Guard. Three of the ships have already been built and deployed. The Coast Guard, with test and evaluation help from the Navy, says the ships are effective and suitable for its mission. The Government Accountability Office is saying, not so fast. Michele Mackin, director of acquisition and sourcing management issues at GAO, fills in all the details on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
The Marine Corps is looking toward personnel for ways to meet its cyber mandates in a time of budget cuts.
The Pentagon didn't get everything it wanted for 2017 in the President's budget proposal. But it got a lot: $524 billion in the base, plus another $59 billion for overseas contingency operations. It's a mix of cost-cutting reforms and investments in what the brass sees as five strategic challenges. Bryan Clark, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin to offer his insight.
One-year emergency budget spending won't cut it when it comes to modernizing and training the Army, members of the Future of the Army Commission told Congress.
In an era of military downsizing, the Air Force is one of the few parts of DoD that’s already received funding to grow over the next year. Yet officials say they’re still struggling to achieve the end strength they need and may have to ask Congress for additional money to add more uniformed airmen.
The U.S. military strategy for the current world: Take a given-sized ball of dough and stretch it into a wider but thinner pie crust.
DoD's 2017 budget includes few changes to pay and benefits, but DoD facilities and procurement take a major hit. The proposal includes an $8.1 billion reduction to acquisition programs, a $1 billion cut to new construction and severe underfunding of base maintenance.
Adm. Mike Rogers plans to create four new directorates to better integrate the agency’s two core missions, foreign signals intelligence and information assurance.
Banged-up cars and seizing ship engines. A slice of federal programs isn't going as planned.
The military services have been dithering with Congress over if and where to reduce their real estate footprint.
When U.S. Transportation Command transitioned a nearly $1 billion contract to move servicemembers’ vehicles around the world to a new company a year and a half ago, seemingly everything that could have gone wrong actually went wrong.
One of the Army’s key objectives is to bring reliable network access to smaller units at the company level and below. But DoD’s Office of Operational Test and Evaluation found the task has been complicated by the fact that too many of the systems the service is fielding are not exactly plug-and-play.
The latest reshuffling of the organizational chart is born out the current concerns among members of Congress that once DoD creates new bureaucracies they can never be shut down.
The Defense budget prioritized research and development and cyber, but that doesn't mean the third offset strategy is getting a lot of money in 2017.