More agencies utilized the federal student loan repayment program in fiscal 2014 to recruit and retain mission-critical employees than the year before. Funding for the program reached $58.7 million in 2014, compared with $52.9 million the previous year.
A new report highlights the Defense Department's challenges in adopting cloud services, and what it's doing to overcome them.
As the Department of Defense continues to work toward achieving auditability, one sticking point might be the Navy. That's according to the Government Accountability Office, which has identified some risks to the branch's future audit readiness. Asif Khan is the director of financial management and assurance issues at GAO.
The annual Doughboy Award recognizes infantrymen for their outstanding contributions to the U.S. Army infantry. It's also the highest honor bestowed by the Chief of Infantry. Ret. Command Sgt. Maj. Jeffrey Mellinger is an aircraft design liaison at Bell Helicopter, and one of three winners of this year's award. He told Federal Drive host Tom Temin more about what winning the Doughboy means.
DoD's Ron Jost announced he's leaving government after more than a decade at the Pentagon.
The service is implementing one of the few alternatives it has to a base realignment and closure (BRAC) round: moving soldiers and civilians out of its oldest buildings and shuttering them.
Pentagon leaders say it’s time to ratchet up the pressure on senior leaders to comply with existing security policies and better train their personnel on cyber hygiene.
The service is implementing one of the few alternatives it has to a base realignment and closure (BRAC) round: moving soldiers and civilians out of its oldest buildings and shuttering them.
A new study says the Defense Logistics Agency could benefit from performance-based logistics contracts, but there may be some legal barriers in the way.
With the convention wrapped up, here's a list of major factors the Army is tackling, and what they're doing to improve them.
The Army works continuously to improve on a basic piece of gear, namely the helmet on top of a soldier's head.
Hari Bezwada, the chief information officer of the Army’s Program Executive Office-Enterprise Information System, said he’s taking measured approach to migrate five ERP systems to a shared services provider.
The Army's acquisition chief says program testing takes too long and needs to be streamlined. She says that industry's help may be the best way to solve the problem. Federal News Radio reporter Scott Maucione has more.
The Navy and Marine Corps are still in the early planning stages for an overhaul of their Next Generation Enterprise Network contract. But both services say they hope to use the recompetition of NGEN to give industry a bigger hand in the IT services they provide to sailors and Marines. More now from Federal News Radio’s DoD reporter Jared Serbu.
The Army is redesigning how soldiers can continue their education in the civilian sector.