Red Hen is consistently rated as one of D.C.’s top restaurants, and, its sister restaurant, All-Purpose, is worth checking out too.
IBM has claimed 60 percent of all intrusions can be attributed to insider threat. Further, Information Week suggests that 95 percent of all organizations have employees who seek to bypass security controls.
Cameron Chehreh, the chief operating officer, chief technology officer and vice president at Dell EMC Federal, said hybrid cloud, micro-services and as-a-service buying models are key to enabling agencies to move off of legacy IT systems.
The House recently passed the Modernizing Government Technology (MGT) Act. The Senate is now considering it and Congressman Will Hurd, the author of the bill, said recently he’s confident the upper chamber will move on the bill.
Profile in Leadership: Who is Dr. David Shuklin? What is his leadership philosophy? What can we learn about him from his time leading the Veterans Health Administration? Join host Michael Keegan next week for a special edition of The Business of Government Hour – A Profile in Leadership as he explores these questions and more.
This program will provide a progress report on CDM in government.
Let’s start by asking a simple question: Where does your agency want to be from a technology perspective, from a citizen services perspective by 2020?
What are the strategic priorities of Labor’s Office of Unemployment Insurance? How does the UI program work? What are improper payments and how has UI program sought to reduce them? Join us as we explore these questions with Gay Gilbert, Administrator, Office of Unemployment Insurance within the U.S. Department of Labor
Ashok Bajaj, legendary D.C. restaurateur (Rasika, Oval Room, Bombay Club, Ardeo and more), is this year’s recipient of the Duke Zeibert Award as the area’s top restaurateur.
This program will provide a progress report on CDM in government.
Host Debra Roth will be joined in-studio by Joan Melanson of Long Term Care Partners, and Shane Canfield of WAEPA as they discuss your best options for long term care and life insurance. May 19, 2017
By: Michael Fischetti, J.D., CPCM, Fellow, CAE, Executive Director, National Contract Management Association This content is sponsored by NCMA Improving government contracting requires a concerted effort by all involved, and at all levels. Traditional attempts…
What is public health surveillance? How do emerging health information technologies improve public health data? How is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention using innovation solutions to tackle public health surveillance challenges? Join us as we explore these questions with Brian Lee, Chief Public Health Informatics Officer within the Office of Public Health Scientific Services at CDC.
When you try to make sense of the petabytes of data flowing across your desk you really don’t know what has value. There aren’t enough hours in the day to carefully parse each data set you have responsibility for. The most practical approach is to add some kind of a tool to automate the process.
In this Expert Edition, you'll learn about the federal government's very latest actions when it comes to holding executives more accountable for protecting agencies' networks and data.