The partial government shutdown is costing federal civilian contractors millions of dollars per day. Are they paying their employees?
A package of bills from House Democrats would reopen government, provide full-year funding for most federal agencies and give civilian employees a pay raise in 2019.
This year was a crazy one for members of the federal family, with many legislative threats to retirement plans as well as efforts to make it much easier to fire civil servants.
A Washington attorney has made good on her pledge to file a class action lawsuit against the federal government over the current shutdown.
The U.S. Coast Guard Academy says its ability to serve cadets returning from winter break will be affected by the forced furlough of administrative staff and other nonessential civilians as part of the partial government shutdown
If my dinner group can figure it out, why can't the politicians?
Showdown between Trump and Pelosi could set the tone for divided government in the coming months
Amir Asghari of Columbia was excited to bring his friends from Canada to tour Antietam National Battlefield in Sharpsburg this past Wednesday.
Many people who spent their career with Uncle Sam are glad they did. But when it’s over, many people are glad, too. Take today’s holiday guest columnist, Tony Korlik, for example.
Coast Guard says it worked with DHS, administration to find "one-time" workaround that will ensure next Monday's military paycheck arrives on time.
Federal employees stuck at home during the great shutdown of 2018 brought to mind the idea of teleworking.
In what was designed to be standard form to help federal employees prove the impact of the partial government shutdown on their pay, the Office of Personnel Management suggested furloughed workers trade their services for lower rent payments.
The Environmental Protection Agency had enough carryover funds to continue operations through Friday, Dec. 28. With no appropriations deal in sight, the agency is preparing for shutdown. The Smithsonian is preparing to close museums and the National Zoo after the new year without further appropriations.
The U.S. Coast Guard said its military members won't receive their regularly scheduled paychecks at the end of the month unless Congress passes appropriations or a continuing resolution by Dec. 28.
With furlough exceptions focused on protection of life and property, "partial" government shutdown paints a picture of two governments.