
  • The National Academy of Public Administration has elected a new class of fellows. They will take on some of the most complex management and policy issues in government and report on them to Congress. Janet Hale is a member of the new class of NAPA Fellows. She's a director at Deloitte and Touche and former Undersecretary for Management at the Department of Homeland Security. She joined In Depth with Francis Rose to talk about what its to be a NAPA fellow.

    November 06, 2015
  • Civil servants who refuse to answer questions when called to testify before the House of Representatives or the Senate are not exercising civil service protections. They are exercising a constitutional right guaranteed to everyone, says Jeff Neal, senior vice president of ICF International.

    November 06, 2015
  • A new round of communication between industry and government is coming from the Office of Management and Budget and the General Services Administration. It's a follow-on to the Mythbusters campaign that began in the Office of Federal Procurement Policy several years ago. Anne Rung is administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy and winner of this year's Gov Con Award for Public Sector Partner of the Year. She told In Depth with Francis Rose about the latest efforts to connect with industry.

    November 06, 2015
  • The Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency is urging lawmakers to pass legislation restoring access to records and information for federal inspectors general.

    November 06, 2015
  • Half of federal agencies earned a failing grade from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on their use of incremental development, as part of their implementation of FITARA. But agencies are still learning how to navigate an often confusing field of agile.

    November 06, 2015
  • A two-year budget deal, no debt ceiling problem, so, no government shutdown, right? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says nothing in this town is that simple.

    November 06, 2015
  • The two-year budget deal is inspiring some lawmakers to push for making a biennial budget cycle permanent, with one year focused on appropriations and the second on oversight.

    November 05, 2015
  • The measure would preserve VA employees' rights to appeal disciplinary decisions, while shortening the appeals process. VA leaders says they do not need another law, while the White House has threatened to veto the bill out of concern for employees' due process rights.

    November 05, 2015
  • Real leadership development takes an agency that is willing to make the investment of time and money needed to build strong supervisors, says Jeff Neal, senior vice president of ICF International.

    November 05, 2015
  • How a bill becomes a law is a subject we all learned once, maybe from teachers or Schoolhouse Rock. Missing from that lesson was the role that federal agencies play. Chris Walker is a law professor at the Ohio State University. He has written a report to the Administrative Conference of the United States on the subject. He joins the Federal Drive with Tom Temin via Skype with more.

    November 05, 2015
  • When sequestration led agencies to furlough employee two years ago, not everyone took it lying down. The National Federation of Federal Employees launched two lawsuits. It accused the Defense Department of violating the law. The employees' salaries were not paid from the main pot of funds that had been cut by the law. There's now an ending to this story. Here to tell it is Debra D'Agostino, an employment attorney at the Federal Practice Group Worldwide Service, in this week's Legal Loop.

    November 05, 2015
  • Appropriators in the House and Senate are filling in the budget lines underneath the toplines in the bipartisan budget agreement President Barack Obama signed this week. Larry Allen, president of Allen Federal Business Partners, tells In Depth with Francis Rose that the deal matters to contractors for at least three reasons.

    November 05, 2015
  • The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee released the Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act scorecard and the governmentwide average is a “D.” Lawmakers and OMB expect agency scores to improve across the four metrics.

    November 05, 2015
  • VA's Veterans First contracting program is making progress since a critical 2013 accountability report, but lawmakers say the agency could be doing more.

    November 05, 2015
  • A pre-Christmas government shutdown could hurt Oklahoma, West Virginia and North Carolina more than Washington, D.C. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says that's where feds really live, work and spend.

    November 05, 2015