Secretary Julian Castro greets and thanks Department of Housing and Urban Development employees Tuesday outside of HUD's Washington headquarters.
Gina Farrisee, assistant secretary for human resources and administration at the VA, will become the department's new deputy chief of staff. Meghan Flanz, deputy general counsel for legal operations and accountability at the VA, will take Farrisee's place as the assistant HR secretary, a VA spokesperson confirmed.
Steve Grewal joined the General Services Administration as its new deputy chief information officer after spending the last four years at the Education Department.
Cheryl Coleman had a passion for public service instilled in her growing up. It comes from her family, many of whom were all teachers. After 25 years working in state government, Coleman came to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, where she oversees the agency's efforts to reduce food waste nationwide.
Roxanna Vigil, Foreign Affairs Officer and Venezuela Desk Officer in the State Department's Office of Andean Affairs, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, shares her thoughts about being a public servant with Federal News Radio.
Joel Scheraga never expected he'd one day become one of the EPA's leading voices on climate change. From planetary geo-physics, to economics,to academia, Scheraga took advice from his dad and decided to go down an unexpected path.
JoAnn Slama Lighty, division director for Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (CBET), at the National Science Foundation, says she enjoys her work at the intersection of science and innovation.
Dr. Scott Borg, head of the Antarctic sciences section within the National Science Foundation, says he enjoys not only the scientific research he's conducted, but his contribution to the development of students in their university education.
Brian Morales discusses some of his career highlights as chief of the Criminal Justice Division of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs at the Department of State.
Kristin Seaver steps in to the CIO and executive vice president roles after spending the last two-plus years working as the vice president of area operations for the Capital Metro Area.
The Senior Executives Association hosted the 30th annual Presidential Rank Awards of Distinguished Executives and Distinguished Senior Professionals where it honored 43 federal employees from 16 agencies for accomplishing astonishing successes.
Jacob Parcell and his Mobile Gov Community of Practice help agencies test mobile apps and websites on various devices, promote code sharing, and inform mobility policy.
Multiple Department of Agriculture agencies showed off their scientific expertise at the fourth USA Science & Engineering Festival.
Renee Johnson, president of the Federal Managers Association, joins the Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
Staff members of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History in Washington took their taste buds on a trip through time recently, as they tried out recipes from 1950s-era cookbooks during a potluck lunch.