If there is a government shutdown — when people are sent home and ordered not to work — can a federal employee still go on vacation?
Some federal agencies give non-monetary incentives to complete employee surveys. Why would they do that? And is it fair or stacking the deck?
Andrew Mayock has been chosen for the top management role in the government after spending the last two years working in assorted roles at OMB.
Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) have called on Senate appropriations leadership to stop implementing a Defense Department policy that has cut travel reimbursement since Nov. 2014.
She's served the Obama administration since the beginning, but has a strong background in municipal in state government. Nani Coloretti, now the deputy secretary of Housing and Urban Development, is one of the newest fellows at the National Academy of Public Administration. But, she told Federal Drive with Tom Temin that she's non-committal on a preference for state, local or federal government.
The first week of December was a busy week for Customs and Border Protection agents, who seized thousands of pounds of illegal drugs, more than $100,000 in unreported U.S. currency and illegal importations of endangered…
Suppose you trained to take care of livestock, maybe the family fido. You might not expect to end up as the number two executive at a large federal department. But that's what happened to Greg Parham, the assistant secretary of Agriculture for administration. He was also named as a few fellow at the National Academy of Public Administration. Parham told Federal Drive with Tom Temin there's just something about public management.
For the past decade, as the Inspector General for the Social Security Administration, Patrick O'Carroll has intensified efforts prevent fraud, waste and abuse. He's used a combination of technology and detective work. Now the National Academy of Public Administration chose O'Carroll as one of its newest class of fellows. He spoke with Federal News Radio's Eric White on Federal Drive with Tom Temin about the honor.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is looking to bring order and definition to the term 'paid administrative leave.' Grassley says the unchecked practice is leaving employees without answers or recourse, and taxpayers stuck with the bill.
The Office of Personnel Management is set to begin its latest Federal Employee Benefits Survey.
Ron Walters, interim Under Secretary for Memorial Affairs, VA He's spent decades in federal service, on both the financial management and program sides. Now Ron Walters of the Veterans Affairs Department has been named a fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration. The Acting Principal Deputy Undersecretary of Veterans Affairs now is overseeing the department's memorial and cemetery activities. He fills in Federal Drive with Tom Temin on the latest.
Rymer said he will return to work in the financial services industry after having spent more than nine years as an inspector general at three federal agencies.
Even for long-serving federal managers, moving from one federal department to another can produce some surprises. Systems, cultures, people might all be different. Just a few short weeks into her job as NASA chief information officer, Renee Wynn has a lot of work to do. Recently decamped from EPA, she compared the two agencies for Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
She has nearly four decades of public service. Her speciality is human services, and she's worked at the county, state and federal levels. Now acting Social Security Commissioner Carolyn Colvin is a new fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration. She told Federal Drive with Tom Temin what it means to be a NAPA fellow.
The former heads of the Internal Revenue Service have written to Congress, telling them that after five straight years of budget cuts, enough is enough.