
  • Jacob Moss, senior adviser at the Environmental Protection Agency, has been working with the State Department on a project to develop cleaner and more efficient stoves that can be distributed to millions of homes.

    June 29, 2015
  • Personal experiences inspire Griffin P. Rodgers to become a doctor and develop lifesaving treatments.

    June 29, 2015
  • WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate voted on Monday to confirm a new leader for the Transportation Security Administration in the wake of reports of startling security gaps at U.S. airports. Coast Guard Vice Adm. Peter…

    June 23, 2015
  • First responders will soon have access to a new tool for locating survivors of natural disasters. The portable technology detects the heart beats of people and animals buried in rubble. John Price is the program manager of the Science and Technology Directorate at the Department of Homeland Security. He helped develop this technology, and was named one of 33 finalists for this year\'s Service to America medals. He joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive with more on his project.

    June 23, 2015
  • She\'s a self-described health data geek with an entrepreneurial touch. Now, she\'s the new Chief Technology Officer at Health and Human Services. Susannah Fox took over from Bryan Sivak, who stepped down in April. She\'s now been on the job for about a month. She joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to further discuss her new role.

    June 23, 2015
  • Peter A. Morrison and the U.S. Navy Solid State Laser Team were recently named Service to America finalists for their work developing the LaWS weapons system for the Navy.

    June 12, 2015
  • The National Weather Service can now pinpoint the exact location where a storm might hit, and send an emergency message to the people who might be affected on their cell phones. Michael Gerber is a meteorologist at the National Weather Service, and a member of the Wireless Emergency Alerts Team. He and three of his colleagues are finalists for a Service to America medal in the homeland security and law enforcement category. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose how the new weather alert systems are different from the old ones.

    June 11, 2015
  • The Partnership for Public Service recently named Charles E. Milam, the Defense Department\'s principal director of Military Community and Family Policy, as a Service to America Medal finalist.

    June 11, 2015
  • Secretary of the Army John McHugh notified President Barack Obama that he planned to step down no later than Nov. 1.

    June 08, 2015
  • Syria\'s four-year civil war leaves at least 7.6 million people without a home or sufficient food. Rob Thayer, the team leader of the Syrian food assistance program at the Office of Food for Peace at USAID, works with the United Nations World Food Program and other humanitarian partners to send and distribute more than $1.1 billion worth of food to Syrian refugees and displaced families within Syria. He and his team are finalists for a Service to America medal in the national security and international affairs category. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose about the challenges of entering this kind of humanitarian crisis.

    June 04, 2015
  • Multiple sources confirm that West left the agency recently, but it\'s unclear why.

    June 04, 2015
  • Commerce Department Inspector General Todd Zinser retired from government Wednesday. One Congresswoman has been investigating him for alleged misconduct for three years.

    June 04, 2015
  • Joan Melanson, director of program promotion for Long Term Care Partners, joins host Mike Causey to discuss why feds should enroll in the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program. June 3, 2015

    June 03, 2015