In today's Federal Newscast, the world's favorite web site right now is about to get a fresh chunk of federal grant money.
In today's Federal Newscast, as agencies are developing their plans to reopen offices, the National Treasury Employees Union releases its own conditions.
The top Navy officer has recommended that Capt. Brett Crozier be returned to his ship
In today's Federal Newscast, a supplies command center has been established by the Postal Service, to help its employees get masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and other coronavirus supplies.
In today's Federal Newscast, the Pentagon says servicemembers who get special incentive payments for hazardous assignments can still get their bonuses – even if the pandemic is stopping them from carrying out those missions.
The acting Navy secretary, Thomas Modly, has resigned after having upbraided the former captain of the coronavirus-stricken USS Theodore Roosevelt
President Trump has removed the inspector general tapped to chair a special oversight board of the $2.2 trillion economic package intended to help businesses and individuals.
Defense Secretary Mark Esper is defending the firing of a Navy captain who sought help for sailors on his aircraft carrier amid a growing coronavirus outbreak as a case of holding leaders “accountable.”
President Donald Trump is suggesting that he fired the inspector general for the intelligence community in retaliation for impeachment, saying the official was wrong to provide an anonymous whistleblower complaint to Congress as the law requires
The captain of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier facing a growing coronavirus outbreak has been fired
U.S. Navy officials say nearly 3,000 sailors aboard a U.S. aircraft carrier where the coronavirus has spread will be taken off the ship by Friday as military leaders struggle to quarantine crew members in the face of an outbreak
In today's Federal Newscast, the Defense Department gets so many requests for medical equipment, it set up a special task force just to deal with them.
In today's Federal Newscast, the Office of Personnel Management granting agencies new authorities to help in their response to the coronavirus pandemic.
The Trump administration says it's replacing the acting chief of the National Counterterrorism Center
The Pentagon's role in responding to the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. is rapidly expanding, with the likely deployment of Navy hospital ships and Army field hospitals