The Defense Logistics Agency has rolled out its cloud-based Warehouse Management System to 12 sites so far and will reach 70 by the end of fiscal 2023.
Tiffany Hixson, the assistant commissioner for the Office of Professional Services and Human Capital Categories in the General Services Administration’s Federal Acquisition Service, said spending in 2023 is on track to grow at a significant pace across the entire professional services category.
Clare Martorana, the federal chief information officer chairwoman of the Technology Modernization Fund Board, and Raylene Yung, the executive director of the Technology Modernization Fund, say they are giving lawmakers more details and briefings about the progress and impact of the investments.
The Homeland Security Department’s procurement shop was busier than ever last year, spending almost $24 billion on about 60,000 transactions.
Shane Barney, the chief information security officer at USCIS, and Miguel Adams, the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s CISO, both say the need to educate and train the business customers on zero trust is important to their agency’s success.
Jeff Shilling, the chief information officer of the National Cancer Institute in the National Institutes of Health, said modernizing the underlying technology infrastructure will make data sharing with researchers and others easier.
Dave Lago, a product manager for DISA's Hosting and Compute Center, said the Vulcan tool set includes several commercial software capabilities to help DoD modernize software.
Gundeep Ahluwalia, the chief information officer for the Labor Department, said three funding sources, two-year appropriations, a working capital fund and the Technology Modernization Fund, is giving the agency the resources to move to the cloud.
Federal technology experts say no matter where agencies are in their cloud journey, ensuring employees have the best skillsets to manage and measure the impact of the services is key.
In the Association for Federal Enterprise Risk Management Enterprise Risk Management’s (AFERM) 8th annual survey of federal officials found a strong majority say ERM programs encompass a holistic view of mission and mission support functions.
A panel of federal and industry experts describe each of their approaches to achieving a zero trust architecture to improve the security of systems and data.
Raj Iyer’s last day as the Army’s chief information officer is Feb. 10, after which he plans to return to industry but continue to support the service’s transformation efforts.
In this exclusive webinar edition of Ask the CIO, learn about how one of the most well-known agencies partners innovation and procurement to meet its mission.
Patrick Newbold, the deputy chief information officer, and Rob King, the chief data officer, at the Social Security Administration said technology and data modernization are driving better services to internal and external customers.
Chad Clifford, the executive director of the Grants QSMO at the Department of Health and Human Services, said their goal is to improve the customer’s experience by giving them the tools to help drive greater efficiencies for the agency, users and recipients.