The National Labor Relations Board reached its full five-member strength for the first time in years, so now it\'s back to business as usual. But at this point, what would that be? We talk with the board\'s chair, Wilma Liebman.
Manager training bill clears committee, Interior wants to hire hundreds, BP hires former FEMA director
Equifax SVP sees huge savings for agencies and taxpayers.
Secretary says agency \"no longer exists\" and details new agency\'s responsibilities.
Federal law enforcement officers receive information on issues that affect their jobs when they\'re in the field -- but what about when they\'re not? June 24, 2010
The Postal Service has approximately 189,000 delivery vehicles. As they get older, is it cheaper to replace or repair them? We get findings of a new study from Mark Duda, Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audits at the Postal Service.
More data over greater distances. General Dynamics\' John Weidman tells us about a new contract to modernize the ground system and network for NASA\'s Tracking Data and Relay Satellite constellation.
Some states excel at attracting Recovery Act project funding and quickly awarding it to contractors, while others lag far behind on both measures. Onvia\'s Michael Balsam tells us about a new study.
House trims budget another $7B, Despite orders, NASA keeps funding projects, Army: Old Arlington headstones in stream for erosion control
Malaysia Hosts Cybersecurity Workshops For OIC Member Countries, Guard Laptop Stolen From Portland Home
From “Wartime commission plans for a first hand view” by Suzanne Kubota on “When it comes to security in war zones, what is considered ‘inherently governmental?’ What can be contracted to private businesses? And…
Gen. Stanley McChrystal loses his job after remarks to freelance reporter that reflected poorly on his civilian superiors.
The National Defense University wants future chief information officers to be two things: critical thinkers and life-long learners. That is why the CIO Certificate program is constantly changing. June 24, 2010
GPO prepares to celebrate 150 years of Keeping American Informed on the documents of our democracy. Public Printer, Bob Tapella, tells us how.