From “NASA CFO, IG nominees grilled by Senate committee” on “A Senate panel which oversees the nation’s space agency reviewed the nominations of two top managers last Thursday. “Dr. Elizabeth Robinson, President Obama’s nominee…
Bob Laclede VP, Ingram Micro Bob Woods President, Topside Consulting October 19th, 2009
Written by Ruben Gomez & Tom Temin Edited by Suzanne Kubota This morning’s federal news as heard on WFED: The Department of Agriculture reorganizes its management structure and hopes to set a new model for…
I’m getting a day off to do the tourist routine with my family in New York City. Here’s what you’ll hear on today’s “Best of In Depth”: Dr. James Carafano Recommends Strong ID Assurance Policy…
From “OPM offers little relief for long-term health care increases” on “Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) will see her long term health care premiums increase. So will Daniel Green, the Office of Personnel Management’s deputy…
From “VA to ease way for vets to get stress disability” on “The Veterans Affairs Department has proposed reducing the paperwork required for veterans to show their experience caused combat-related stress. Even just the…
Written by Tom Temin & Ruben Gomez Edited by Suzanne Kubota This morning’s federal news as heard on WFED: Senators were united in opposition to an increase in the cost of one benefit for federal…
From “Hathaway opens up about her decision to leave White House, cyber coordinator future role” on “Melissa Hathaway once spent an hour briefing President Obama and answering questions about cybersecurity. “The former acting senior…
This week, host Jason Miller talks with USGS CIO Kevin Gallagher. Encore Presentation
The General Services Administration has made an important accomplishment in the procurement arena. It is the only agency to win a small business award for meeting procurement preference goals in every category examined by the…
Written by Jane Norris & Ruben Gomez Edited by Suzanne Kubota This morning’s federal news as heard on WFED: The Transportation Security Administration wants to know why Senior Executives are leaving the agency, reports GovExec.…
From “Senator questions use of administration “czars”” on “A liberal Democratic senator questioned the roles of Obama administration policy “czars” Tuesday, but the White House denied it is using these officials to evade congressional…
From “NYC librarian nominated to become US archivist” on “President Barack Obama (has) announced the nomination of David Ferriero to the run the National Archives and Records Administration. The 63-year-old Ferriero is the director…
It was designed to get the MRAP into the field in Iraq – fast. The Rapid Acquisition Process has gotten kudos from overseers of Defense Department acquisition, including a thumbs-up from the Chairman of the…
From “Veterans Affairs restarts some of its suspended projects” on “Veterans Affairs Department chief information officer Roger Baker put his agency and industry on notice last July, making it clear that technology project failures…